CBETA Project Management, WBS 1.01

Technical meeting material, Monday, September 18, 2017:

Notes and decisions made at Friday, March 31, 2017 meeting:

  • Lattice design to be finalized by next Wednesday, 4/5/2017.
  • Preliminary rack location layout and rack equipment requirements to be discussed at Monday 4/10/2017 L2 meeting.
  • FFAG Hallbach and Corrector magnets will be shipped separately to Cornell for final assembly. Beam pipe will not be shipped to BNL for girder assembly. FFAG magnet assembly will use special tool provided by BNL.
  • Cable trays will be installed on lower portion of girder, under magnet plate assembly. A 24" cable tray will fit in the 25" space. Cable tray dividers will be installed to separate high and low voltage signals.
  • Magnet cooling water manifold may use Cornell design (Cornell will provide drawing of previously designed system for review). The manifolds will be mounted to the girder assembly on the side facing the outside of the ring.
  • All view screens will be mounted horizontally toward the inside of the ring. This will allow the device to be fully on the girder plate, thus helping to prevent accidental damage.
  • Vacuum pumps will be mounted horizontally toward the inside of the ring.
  • The width of the FFAG girder plate and frame will remain as shown in the drawing provided in George Mahler's presentation.

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Topic revision: 19 Sep 2017, michnoff
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