Statistics for ILC/CesrTA/Proposal Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2025 276 0 0  46 Proposal
 24 WebPreferences
 22 FreeSkinPosTopic
 22 WebChanges
 21 WebNotify
 19 SupportingDocuments
 18 WebSearch
 16 WebStatistics
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 FreeSkinPreTopic
 12 WebIndex
Jan 2025 10566 0 0 9996 WebSearch
 72 WebStatistics
 68 WebPreferences
 66 FreeSkinPosTopic
 66 Proposal
 62 WebChanges
 58 FreeSkinPreTopic
 40 WebNotify
 27 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 WebTopicCreator
Dec 2024 2171 0 0 1897 WebSearch
 69 Proposal
 47 WebStatistics
 22 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 WebPreferences
 16 FreeSkinPosTopic
 15 SupportingDocuments
 15 WebChanges
 13 FreeSkinPreTopic
  9 WebLeftBar
Nov 2024 3328 0 0 2996 WebSearch
 56 Proposal
 43 FreeSkinPosTopic
 40 WebTopicCreator
 27 WebStatistics
 23 WebChanges
 20 FreeSkinPreTopic
 20 SupportingDocuments
 20 WebNotify
 17 WebPreferences
 16 WebTopicList
Oct 2024 3500 0 0 3224 WebSearch
 60 Proposal
 39 FreeSkinPosTopic
 27 WebPreferences
 22 WebStatistics
 20 WebTopicCreator
 17 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebChanges
 11 WebTopicList
 11 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 SupportingDocuments
Sep 2024 4403 0 0 3472 WebSearch
166 WebStatistics
143 WebPreferences
117 FreeSkinPosTopic
105 FreeSkinPreTopic
104 Proposal
 55 WebChanges
 44 SupportingDocuments
 37 WebSearchAdvanced
 33 WebTopicCreator
 27 WebLeftBar
Aug 2024 687 0 0 328 WebSearch
 94 Proposal
 32 SupportingDocuments
 27 WebNotify
 26 WebPreferences
 26 FreeSkinPosTopic
 20 WebStatistics
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebIndex
 16 WebChanges
 16 FreeSkinPreTopic
Jul 2024 504 0 0 110 WebSearch
 75 Proposal
 39 FreeSkinPosTopic
 35 WebPreferences
 26 WebTopicCreator
 26 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebIndex
 25 WebStatistics
 24 FreeSkinPreTopic
 23 WebCreateNewTopic
 23 WebLeftBar
Jun 2024 1133 0 0 816 WebSearch
105 Proposal
 29 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebPreferences
 20 WebStatistics
 17 WebChanges
 16 WebHomeTest
 15 WebIndex
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 15 FreeSkinPreTopic
 13 WebTopicCreator
May 2024 394 0 0  84 Proposal
 49 FreeSkinPosTopic
 48 WebPreferences
 36 WebStatistics
 33 FreeSkinPreTopic
 23 SupportingDocuments
 22 WebTopicCreator
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebLeftBar
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebCreateNewTopic
Apr 2024 592 0 0  76 WebPreferences
 64 WebStatistics
 56 Proposal
 56 FreeSkinPosTopic
 53 FreeSkinPreTopic
 51 WebChanges
 35 SupportingDocuments
 32 WebLeftBar
 31 WebTopicCreator
 25 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 WebHomeTest
Mar 2024 187 0 0  39 Proposal
 20 WebLeftBar
 18 WebStatistics
 17 WebPreferences
 16 SupportingDocuments
 14 FreeSkinPreTopic
 14 WebChanges
 10 WebNotify
  9 WebIndex
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebTopicCreator
Feb 2024 233 0 0  88 Proposal
 31 WebPreferences
 27 WebStatistics
 18 SupportingDocuments
  9 WebLeftBar
  8 WebTopicCreator
  8 FreeSkinPreTopic
  8 WebChanges
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 FreeSkinPosTopic
  6 WebIndex
Jan 2024 235 0 0  54 Proposal
 27 WebPreferences
 20 WebStatistics
 15 WebTopicCreator
 15 FreeSkinPreTopic
 15 SupportingDocuments
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 14 WebNotify
 14 WebChanges
 13 WebHomeTest
 10 WebIndex
Dec 2023 314 0 0 105 WebPreferences
 36 Proposal
 35 WebStatistics
 21 FreeSkinPosTopic
 19 WebLeftBar
 18 SupportingDocuments
 12 WebTopicCreator
 12 WebIndex
 12 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 WebNotify
 11 WebChanges
Nov 2023 396 0 0  71 WebStatistics
 57 WebPreferences
 46 Proposal
 31 SupportingDocuments
 23 WebTopicCreator
 22 WebChanges
 21 WebIndex
 20 FreeSkinPosTopic
 20 WebHomeTest
 18 WebTopicList
 17 FreeSkinPreTopic
Oct 2023 239 0 0  42 WebStatistics
 42 WebPreferences
 40 Proposal
 22 SupportingDocuments
 17 WebTopicCreator
 17 WebChanges
 13 FreeSkinPosTopic
 10 WebHomeTest
  9 WebIndex
  6 FreeSkinPreTopic
  6 WebNotify
Sep 2023 227 0 0  58 WebPreferences
 40 WebStatistics
 28 Proposal
 15 FreeSkinPreTopic
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 12 WebChanges
 10 SupportingDocuments
  8 WebTopicList
  8 WebHomeTest
  8 WebTopicCreator
  8 WebIndex
Aug 2023 1067 0 0 538 WebSearch
100 FreeSkinPosTopic
 85 WebStatistics
 58 Proposal
 53 WebPreferences
 50 WebChanges
 40 SupportingDocuments
 29 WebHomeTest
 25 WebIndex
 22 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2023 13782 0 0 13428 WebSearch
178 Proposal
 44 SupportingDocuments
 34 WebPreferences
 33 WebStatistics
 14 WebChanges
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebTopicList
  6 WebTopicCreator
Jun 2023 16147 0 0 15807 WebSearch
105 Proposal
 71 WebPreferences
 38 SupportingDocuments
 23 WebStatistics
 20 FreeSkinPosTopic
 15 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 WebChanges
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebTopicCreator
  8 WebHomeTest
May 2023 14247 0 0 13923 WebSearch
119 Proposal
 58 WebStatistics
 32 SupportingDocuments
 20 WebChanges
 18 WebPreferences
 11 WebTopicList
 10 WebNotify
 10 WebLeftBar
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  8 FreeSkinPreTopic
Apr 2023 12867 0 0 12592 WebSearch
 96 Proposal
 34 WebStatistics
 28 SupportingDocuments
 27 WebPreferences
 23 WebChanges
 11 WebIndex
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebNotify
  7 WebTopicCreator
  6 FreeSkinPosTopic
Mar 2023 13150 0 0 12888 WebSearch
109 Proposal
 35 WebStatistics
 34 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebPreferences
 11 WebChanges
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  7 WebNotify
  6 WebTopicList
  5 WebIndex
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2023 12743 0 0 12381 WebSearch
185 Proposal
 38 WebStatistics
 34 SupportingDocuments
 26 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebNotify
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebIndex
Jan 2023 11036 0 0 10805 WebSearch
 88 Proposal
 28 SupportingDocuments
 24 WebPreferences
 24 WebStatistics
 14 WebNotify
 11 WebChanges
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  7 WebHomeTest
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 WebIndex
Dec 2022 19768 0 0 19404 WebSearch
166 Proposal
 43 WebStatistics
 41 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebLeftBar
 17 WebPreferences
 16 FreeSkinPosTopic
 12 WebNotify
  8 WebChanges
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 WebTopicCreator
Nov 2022 10690 0 0 10154 WebSearch
254 Proposal
 53 SupportingDocuments
 46 WebPreferences
 43 WebStatistics
 19 WebNotify
 19 FreeSkinPosTopic
 19 WebChanges
 16 WebLeftBar
 14 WebIndex
 12 WebHomeTest
Oct 2022 2995 0 0 2735 WebSearch
 99 WebStatistics
 32 Proposal
 22 FreeSkinPosTopic
 20 SupportingDocuments
 13 WebPreferences
 12 WebChanges
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebHomeTest
  8 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebTopicCreator
Sep 2022 3588 0 0 3138 WebSearch
147 Proposal
 66 WebStatistics
 53 FreeSkinPosTopic
 44 SupportingDocuments
 31 WebPreferences
 13 WebTopicCreator
 13 WebIndex
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebTopicList
Aug 2022 504 0 0 209 Proposal
 75 WebStatistics
 51 SupportingDocuments
 48 WebPreferences
 29 WebSearch
 20 FreeSkinPosTopic
 11 WebIndex
  9 WebNotify
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
  8 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebTopicCreator
Jul 2022 567 0 0 154 Proposal
110 WebStatistics
 52 WebPreferences
 37 FreeSkinPosTopic
 34 SupportingDocuments
 16 WebNotify
 16 FreeSkinPreTopic
 15 WebChanges
 11 WebTopicList
 11 WebTopicCreator
 11 WebIndex
Jun 2022 407 0 0 143 Proposal
 66 WebPreferences
 48 WebStatistics
 38 SupportingDocuments
 14 WebSearch
 13 WebNotify
 12 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 WebChanges
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
May 2022 379 0 0 166 Proposal
 40 WebStatistics
 39 SupportingDocuments
 35 WebPreferences
 14 WebNotify
 13 WebChanges
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebIndex
  8 WebSearch
  8 FreeSkinPosTopic
  7 WebTopicList
Apr 2022 339 0 0 115 Proposal
 38 WebStatistics
 30 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebSearch
 17 WebNotify
 16 WebPreferences
 13 WebChanges
 13 WebLeftBar
 13 WebHomeTest
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebIndex
Mar 2022 305 0 0 119 Proposal
 33 SupportingDocuments
 21 WebSearch
 16 WebPreferences
 12 WebTopicList
 11 WebTopicCreator
 11 WebIndex
 11 FreeSkinPosTopic
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebChanges
 10 FreeSkinPreTopic
Feb 2022 337 0 0 179 Proposal
 43 SupportingDocuments
 13 WebIndex
 10 WebSearch
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebPreferences
  9 WebHomeTest
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebNotify
  8 FreeSkinPosTopic
Jan 2022 386 0 0 157 Proposal
 54 SupportingDocuments
 25 WebSearch
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebIndex
 13 FreeSkinPreTopic
 13 WebStatistics
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebTopicCreator
Dec 2021 281 0 0 114 Proposal
 29 SupportingDocuments
 23 WebPreferences
 20 WebSearch
 10 WebChanges
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebLeftBar
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebIndex
  8 FreeSkinPosTopic
Nov 2021 831 1 0 650 Proposal
 31 SupportingDocuments
 18 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 10 WebTopicCreator
 10 WebHomeTest
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebTopicList
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 Main.dab66
Oct 2021 266 0 0 108 Proposal
 27 SupportingDocuments
 18 WebSearch
 12 WebNotify
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebStatistics
 10 FreeSkinPosTopic
 10 WebPreferences
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebIndex
Sep 2021 383 0 0 196 Proposal
 39 SupportingDocuments
 21 WebSearch
 20 WebPreferences
 13 WebChanges
 11 FreeSkinPosTopic
 11 WebHomeTest
 10 WebIndex
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebNotify
Aug 2021 219 0 0  99 Proposal
 16 WebIndex
 16 SupportingDocuments
 10 WebPreferences
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebChanges
  8 FreeSkinPosTopic
  7 FreeSkinPreTopic
  6 WebHomeTest
Jul 2021 357 0 0 129 Proposal
 50 WebPreferences
 22 SupportingDocuments
 19 WebStatistics
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebChanges
 14 FreeSkinPreTopic
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebHomeTest
 11 WebSearch
 11 FreeSkinPosTopic
Jun 2021 326 0 0 147 Proposal
 33 WebPreferences
 20 SupportingDocuments
 19 WebIndex
 13 WebStatistics
 12 WebSearch
 10 FreeSkinPosTopic
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebLeftBar
May 2021 344 0 0 162 Proposal
 35 SupportingDocuments
 21 WebPreferences
 20 WebStatistics
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 14 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 WebIndex
 11 WebChanges
  9 WebTopicCreator
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebNotify
Apr 2021 234 0 0  65 Proposal
 22 WebSearch
 19 WebPreferences
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 13 WebStatistics
 12 SupportingDocuments
 11 WebChanges
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebNotify
 10 FreeSkinPreTopic
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
Mar 2021 200 0 0  72 Proposal
 15 WebPreferences
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 FreeSkinPosTopic
 11 SupportingDocuments
 10 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebHomeTest
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
  8 WebSearch
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
Feb 2021 226 0 0  98 Proposal
 16 WebSearch
 15 WebPreferences
 11 FreeSkinPreTopic
 10 WebIndex
 10 SupportingDocuments
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  9 WebChanges
  7 WebTopicCreator
  6 WebNotify
Jan 2021 356 0 0 131 Proposal
 28 WebPreferences
 26 WebSearch
 25 SupportingDocuments
 16 WebIndex
 16 FreeSkinPosTopic
 13 WebTopicList
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebTopicCreator
 13 WebNotify
 13 WebStatistics
Dec 2020 237 0 0  96 Proposal
 19 FreeSkinPosTopic
 16 WebStatistics
 15 WebSearch
 15 WebPreferences
 14 FreeSkinPreTopic
 10 WebLeftBar
  8 SupportingDocuments
  8 WebChanges
  8 WebHomeTest
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
Nov 2020 255 0 0  56 Proposal
 38 WebSearch
 21 WebPreferences
 16 WebIndex
 14 SupportingDocuments
 13 WebTopicCreator
 13 FreeSkinPosTopic
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 WebChanges
 11 FreeSkinPreTopic
 10 WebNotify
Oct 2020 285 0 0  44 Proposal
 33 WebSearch
 20 WebTopicCreator
 20 WebPreferences
 19 WebChanges
 16 WebCreateNewTopic
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 14 WebNotify
 14 WebLeftBar
 13 WebIndex
Sep 2020 207 0 0  35 Proposal
 34 WebSearch
 16 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 12 FreeSkinPosTopic
 12 WebStatistics
 11 WebNotify
 10 SupportingDocuments
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebHomeTest
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
Aug 2020 290 0 0  73 Proposal
 33 WebSearch
 31 WebPreferences
 19 FreeSkinPosTopic
 18 WebTopicCreator
 14 WebChanges
 13 SupportingDocuments
 13 WebStatistics
 12 WebCreateNewTopic
 12 WebIndex
 11 WebLeftBar
Jul 2020 821 0 0 153 Proposal
 91 WebSearch
 60 SupportingDocuments
 54 WebPreferences
 44 WebTopicList
 44 WebNotify
 44 WebChanges
 42 FreeSkinPosTopic
 41 WebIndex
 40 WebStatistics
 39 WebTopicCreator
Jun 2020 650 0 0 154 Proposal
 53 SupportingDocuments
 49 WebSearch
 40 WebPreferences
 38 WebStatistics
 35 WebChanges
 33 WebHomeTest
 30 WebTopicCreator
 30 WebNotify
 29 WebIndex
 27 WebCreateNewTopic
May 2020 137 0 0  39 Proposal
 18 SupportingDocuments
 17 WebPreferences
 15 WebStatistics
 11 WebSearch
  7 FreeSkinPreTopic
  5 WebTopicCreator
  5 FreeSkinPosTopic
  4 WebLeftBar
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebIndex
Apr 2020 187 0 0  35 Proposal
 29 WebSearch
 14 WebStatistics
 13 WebTopicCreator
 11 FreeSkinPosTopic
 10 SupportingDocuments
 10 WebPreferences
  9 WebIndex
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 WebTopicList
Mar 2020 102 0 0  31 Proposal
 16 WebSearch
 12 WebPreferences
 11 WebStatistics
  5 WebTopicCreator
  5 SupportingDocuments
  5 WebLeftBar
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebIndex
Feb 2020 190 0 0  44 Proposal
 19 WebSearch
 16 WebStatistics
 12 WebLeftBar
 10 SupportingDocuments
 10 WebPreferences
  8 WebChanges
  6 WebTopicList
  6 WebIndex
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
Jan 2020 94 0 0  30 Proposal
 22 WebSearch
  7 FreeSkinPreTopic
  7 WebStatistics
  4 WebLeftBar
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebHomeTest
  3 WebIndex
  3 SupportingDocuments
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Dec 2019 179 0 0  67 WebSearch
 32 Proposal
 15 WebPreferences
 10 SupportingDocuments
  8 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebStatistics
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebIndex
  5 FreeSkinPosTopic
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebChanges
Nov 2019 229 0 0 128 WebSearch
 32 Proposal
 13 WebStatistics
  7 SupportingDocuments
  6 WebNotify
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 WebTopicCreator
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebLeftBar
  4 WebTopicList
Oct 2019 290 0 0 109 WebSearch
 34 Proposal
 17 SupportingDocuments
 17 WebPreferences
 12 WebHomeTest
 12 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 WebChanges
 10 WebIndex
 10 FreeSkinPosTopic
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
Sep 2019 375 0 0  85 WebSearch
 47 Proposal
 31 WebPreferences
 28 WebChanges
 27 WebStatistics
 19 WebTopicCreator
 17 WebHomeTest
 16 WebLeftBar
 15 FreeSkinPosTopic
 15 FreeSkinPreTopic
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
Aug 2019 859 0 0 689 WebSearch
 40 WebPreferences
 28 Proposal
 14 WebStatistics
 11 WebIndex
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebTopicList
 10 SupportingDocuments
  9 WebTopicCreator
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2019 567 0 0 481 WebSearch
 22 Proposal
 12 WebPreferences
 12 WebStatistics
  6 WebTopicCreator
  6 SupportingDocuments
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 FreeSkinPosTopic
  4 FreeSkinPreTopic
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebCreateNewTopic
Jun 2019 395 0 0  96 WebSearch
 50 Proposal
 32 WebStatistics
 23 WebPreferences
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 18 WebCreateNewTopic
 18 SupportingDocuments
 18 WebChanges
 17 WebSearchAdvanced
 17 WebHomeTest
 16 WebNotify
May 2019 1747 0 0 1576 WebSearch
 28 WebStatistics
 27 WebPreferences
 23 Proposal
 12 WebNotify
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebLeftBar
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2019 420 0 0 198 WebSearch
 43 Proposal
 36 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebTopicCreator
 13 WebIndex
 13 SupportingDocuments
 11 WebLeftBar
 11 WebHomeTest
 10 WebCreateNewTopic
Mar 2019 287 0 0  53 WebSearch
 35 Proposal
 30 WebPreferences
 20 SupportingDocuments
 19 WebStatistics
 18 WebTopicCreator
 14 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 WebIndex
 13 WebHomeTest
 12 FreeSkinPosTopic
 11 WebNotify
Feb 2019 151 0 0  20 Proposal
 20 WebPreferences
 17 WebStatistics
 12 WebSearch
 12 SupportingDocuments
 10 FreeSkinPreTopic
  8 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebChanges
Jan 2019 151 0 0  31 Proposal
 30 WebPreferences
 21 WebStatistics
 11 WebSearch
  9 SupportingDocuments
  7 WebTopicCreator
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebChanges
  5 WebNotify
  5 FreeSkinPosTopic
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
Dec 2018 91 0 0  31 WebPreferences
 24 Proposal
  9 WebStatistics
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  3 WebSearch
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 WebHomeTest
Nov 2018 68 0 0  28 WebPreferences
 26 Proposal
  5 WebStatistics
  3 SupportingDocuments
  2 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebIndex
  1 FreeSkinPosTopic
  1 WebChanges
Oct 2018 143 0 0  34 Proposal
 30 WebPreferences
 15 WebStatistics
 10 WebSearch
 10 WebChanges
  8 SupportingDocuments
  6 WebTopicCreator
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebLeftBar
Sep 2018 126 0 0  27 Proposal
 25 WebPreferences
 19 WebStatistics
  8 SupportingDocuments
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebChanges
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 WebNotify
  5 FreeSkinPreTopic
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebIndex
Aug 2018 110 0 0  48 WebPreferences
 27 Proposal
 14 WebStatistics
  7 WebNotify
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicCreator
  2 WebIndex
  2 SupportingDocuments
  2 WebLeftBar
Jul 2018 87 0 0  35 WebPreferences
 20 Proposal
  5 WebStatistics
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  4 WebNotify
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebHomeTest
  2 WebCreateNewTopic
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebSearch
Jun 2018 321 0 0  47 WebPreferences
 46 Proposal
 33 WebSearch
 18 WebTopicCreator
 18 WebNotify
 16 WebLeftBar
 16 WebChanges
 16 WebStatistics
 15 WebCreateNewTopic
 15 SupportingDocuments
 15 FreeSkinPreTopic
May 2018 197 0 0  44 WebPreferences
 39 Proposal
 26 WebHomeTest
 24 SupportingDocuments
 14 WebStatistics
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  7 FreeSkinPosTopic
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicList
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  5 WebIndex
Apr 2018 169 0 0  60 WebPreferences
 30 WebStatistics
 17 Proposal
 14 WebChanges
 13 FreeSkinPosTopic
  6 WebTopicList
  6 WebNotify
  6 WebLeftBar
  5 FreeSkinPreTopic
  4 WebIndex
  3 WebSearch
Mar 2018 313 0 0  72 WebPreferences
 31 WebStatistics
 30 Proposal
 28 WebSearch
 21 WebNotify
 21 WebChanges
 15 WebIndex
 14 SupportingDocuments
 14 FreeSkinPosTopic
 13 WebTopicList
 11 WebCreateNewTopic
Feb 2018 277 0 0 106 Proposal
 51 WebPreferences
 32 SupportingDocuments
 22 WebNotify
 14 WebStatistics
 10 WebIndex
  8 FreeSkinPosTopic
  7 WebTopicList
  7 WebChanges
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 FreeSkinPreTopic
Jan 2018 369 0 0  64 WebPreferences
 46 Proposal
 39 WebStatistics
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 26 WebNotify
 25 WebChanges
 22 WebIndex
 21 FreeSkinPreTopic
 16 FreeSkinPosTopic
 15 WebLeftBar
 13 SupportingDocuments
Dec 2017 276 0 0  61 WebPreferences
 32 WebStatistics
 28 Proposal
 25 WebIndex
 21 FreeSkinPosTopic
 15 WebChanges
 14 WebSearch
 14 FreeSkinPreTopic
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebNotify
 11 WebTopicCreator
Nov 2017 285 0 0  58 WebPreferences
 37 Proposal
 33 WebStatistics
 20 FreeSkinPosTopic
 19 WebSearch
 17 FreeSkinPreTopic
 14 WebLeftBar
 13 WebNotify
 13 WebChanges
 11 WebIndex
 10 WebTopicList
Oct 2017 223 0 0  46 WebPreferences
 43 WebStatistics
 41 Proposal
 14 WebSearch
 12 FreeSkinPreTopic
 11 WebNotify
 10 WebChanges
  9 WebTopicList
  8 WebHomeTest
  6 WebTopicCreator
  5 WebIndex
Sep 2017 186 0 0  39 Proposal
 28 WebStatistics
 19 WebSearch
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebHomeTest
 11 WebNotify
 10 WebPreferences
 10 WebChanges
  8 SupportingDocuments
  8 WebLeftBar
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
Aug 2017 129 0 0  25 Proposal
 17 WebStatistics
 12 WebSearch
 12 WebPreferences
 11 WebHomeTest
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebNotify
  7 WebIndex
  6 SupportingDocuments
  6 WebLeftBar
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2017 245 0 0  56 Proposal
 38 WebStatistics
 25 SupportingDocuments
 22 WebPreferences
 17 WebNotify
 14 WebTopicList
 12 WebIndex
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebSearch
 10 WebHomeTest
  9 FreeSkinPreTopic
Jun 2017 272 0 0  85 Proposal
 36 WebStatistics
 35 WebPreferences
 21 SupportingDocuments
 14 WebNotify
 12 WebSearch
 10 WebIndex
  9 FreeSkinPosTopic
  9 WebChanges
  8 WebLeftBar
  8 FreeSkinPreTopic
May 2017 230 0 0  74 Proposal
 32 WebPreferences
 31 WebStatistics
 25 SupportingDocuments
 11 WebIndex
 11 WebNotify
  9 WebChanges
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebTopicList
  6 WebHomeTest
  4 WebLeftBar
Apr 2017 306 0 0  63 Proposal
 50 WebStatistics
 43 WebPreferences
 22 FreeSkinPreTopic
 21 WebChanges
 19 SupportingDocuments
 14 FreeSkinPosTopic
 12 WebIndex
 12 WebSearch
 10 WebNotify
 10 WebHomeTest
Mar 2017 212 0 0  50 Proposal
 34 WebPreferences
 32 WebStatistics
 16 WebSearch
 16 SupportingDocuments
 11 WebHomeTest
 10 WebNotify
  7 WebIndex
  7 FreeSkinPosTopic
  7 WebChanges
  7 FreeSkinPreTopic
Feb 2017 265 0 0  58 Proposal
 37 WebStatistics
 27 WebSearchAdvanced
 25 WebPreferences
 21 WebNotify
 19 SupportingDocuments
 14 WebSearch
 10 WebTopicList
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebLeftBar
  8 WebHomeTest
Jan 2017 323 0 0  53 Proposal
 43 WebStatistics
 41 WebPreferences
 29 WebIndex
 26 WebSearch
 26 SupportingDocuments
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebHomeTest
 13 WebChanges
 13 FreeSkinPreTopic
 12 WebLeftBar
Dec 2016 349 0 0  59 WebStatistics
 56 Proposal
 34 WebPreferences
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 26 WebTopicList
 23 WebIndex
 21 FreeSkinPreTopic
 19 WebNotify
 17 WebChanges
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 13 WebHomeTest
Nov 2016 315 0 0  63 Proposal
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Oct 2016 284 0 0  57 WebStatistics
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Sep 2016 304 0 0  65 WebStatistics
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Aug 2016 290 0 0  66 WebPreferences
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Jul 2016 489 0 0 105 WebStatistics
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Jun 2016 320 0 0  73 Proposal
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May 2016 517 0 0 171 WebStatistics
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Apr 2016 78 0 0  27 Proposal
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Mar 2016 373 0 0  65 WebPreferences
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Feb 2016 60 0 0  28 Proposal
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Jan 2016 272 0 0  38 Proposal
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Dec 2015 33 0 0  17 Proposal
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Nov 2015 67 0 0  17 Proposal
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Oct 2015 75 0 0  18 Proposal
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Sep 2015 292 0 0  44 WebPreferences
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Aug 2015 33 0 0   8 Proposal
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Jul 2015 118 0 0  29 Proposal
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Jun 2015 168 0 0  37 WebStatistics
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May 2015 127 0 0  22 Proposal
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Apr 2015 144 0 0  62 SupportingDocuments
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Mar 2015 126 0 0  60 SupportingDocuments
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Feb 2015 69 0 0  28 SupportingDocuments
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Dec 2014 122 0 0  40 SupportingDocuments
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Nov 2014 93 0 0  36 SupportingDocuments
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Oct 2014 88 0 0  35 SupportingDocuments
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Sep 2014 77 0 0  31 SupportingDocuments
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Aug 2014 161 0 0  41 SupportingDocuments
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Jul 2014 109 0 0  29 SupportingDocuments
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Jun 2014 150 0 0  38 SupportingDocuments
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May 2014 155 0 0  37 SupportingDocuments
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Apr 2014 115 0 0  30 SupportingDocuments
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Mar 2014 177 0 0  41 SupportingDocuments
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Feb 2014 509 0 0 111 Proposal
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Jan 2014 441 0 0  93 WebPreferences
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May 2013 109 0 0  28 SupportingDocuments
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Apr 2013 73 0 0  32 SupportingDocuments
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Mar 2013 110 0 0  30 SupportingDocuments
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Feb 2013 53 0 0  26 SupportingDocuments
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Jan 2013 102 0 0  31 SupportingDocuments
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Dec 2012 68 0 0  23 SupportingDocuments
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Nov 2012 90 0 0  30 SupportingDocuments
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Oct 2012 50 0 0  28 SupportingDocuments
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Sep 2012 62 0 0  26 SupportingDocuments
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Aug 2012 68 0 0  28 SupportingDocuments
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Jul 2012 55 0 0  24 SupportingDocuments
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Jun 2012 35 0 0  25 SupportingDocuments
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May 2012 91 0 0  29 SupportingDocuments
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Apr 2012 58 0 0  26 SupportingDocuments
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Mar 2012 96 0 0  30 SupportingDocuments
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Feb 2012 51 0 0  18 SupportingDocuments
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Jan 2012 93 0 0  24 SupportingDocuments
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Dec 2011 44 0 0  21 SupportingDocuments
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Nov 2011 62 0 0  26 SupportingDocuments
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Oct 2011 61 0 0  26 SupportingDocuments
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Sep 2011 83 0 0  27 SupportingDocuments
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Aug 2011 132 0 0  33 SupportingDocuments
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Jul 2011 166 0 0  33 WebPreferences
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Jun 2011 111 0 0  52 Proposal
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May 2011 67 0 0  32 Proposal
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Apr 2011 101 0 0  30 Proposal
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Mar 2011 73 0 0  29 SupportingDocuments
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Feb 2011 96 0 0  28 SupportingDocuments
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Jan 2011 97 0 0  25 SupportingDocuments
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Dec 2010 101 0 0  29 SupportingDocuments
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Nov 2010 192 0 0  48 WebPreferences
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Oct 2010 143 0 0  38 SupportingDocuments
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Sep 2010 66 0 0  29 SupportingDocuments
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Aug 2010 48 0 0  29 SupportingDocuments
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Jul 2010 73 0 0  28 SupportingDocuments
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Jun 2010 66 0 0  30 SupportingDocuments
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May 2010 106 0 0  38 SupportingDocuments
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Apr 2010 106 0 0  32 SupportingDocuments
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Mar 2010 110 0 0  30 SupportingDocuments
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Feb 2010 74 0 0  22 Proposal
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Jan 2010 111 0 0  37 Proposal
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Dec 2009 172 0 0  57 Proposal
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Nov 2009 112 0 0  42 Proposal
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Oct 2009 158 0 0  43 Proposal
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Sep 2009 170 0 0  55 SupportingDocuments
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Aug 2009 116 0 0  21 Proposal
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Jul 2009 45 0 0   8 Proposal
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Jun 2009 123 0 0  19 WebPreferences
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May 2009 64 0 0  14 FreeSkinPreTopic
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Apr 2009 39 0 0  10 Proposal
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Mar 2009 167 0 0  29 Proposal
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 10 WebLeftBar
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Mar 2006 0 0 0    


This topic: ILC/CesrTA/Proposal > WebHome > WebStatistics
Topic revision: 14 Feb 2025, AdminUser
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