ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop Computing Support
- Network
- Wireless access via Cornell's Red Rover service; Red Rover Guest should be sufficient for almost every need
- In the event of problems with wireless connections, limited wired internet access will be available at the ILR Conference Center
- All meetings will be "broadcast" via WebEx
- Printing
- If you take a flash drive (several are provided in each meeting room) to the ILR Conference Center secretary on the 3rd floor, she will be able to print documents for you as needed.
- Audio/Visual equipment:
- LCD projector (permanently mounted in room)
- Projection screen (permanently mounted in room)
- Miscellaneous
- Power strips
- Set of general use flash drives
- Laser pointers in each room
- Computer Support
This topic: ILC/DampingRings/CTA09
> WebHome > ComputingFacilities
Topic revision:
29 May 2009, MarkPalmer
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