Getting to Ithaca
- General information about getting to Ithaca as well as things to do while here can be found on Cornell's Visiting Ithaca page.
Transportation to and from the Workshop
Shuttle buses will be provided to and from the hotel to the meeting facilities at Cornell's ILR Conference Center. If you prefer to drive yourself, you can purchase visitor's parking passes at one of the kiosks at the main entrances to Cornell's campus. There is also a bus service running regularly between the Cornell Campus and downtown Ithaca if you need to go back and forth during the day.
Final Shuttle Bus Schedule
- Pick-ups at the Holiday Inn and Best Western:
- Thursday, June 25: 8:30 am pickup at Holiday Inn and 8:40 pickup at Best Western
- Friday, June 26: 8:30 am pickup at Holiday Inn and 8:40 pickup at Best Western
- Returns to Holiday Inn, Best Western and/or Airport:
- Thursday, June 25 from Cayuga Inlet: 21:15 pickup
- Friday, June 26 from ILR Conf Ctr: 17:45 pickup from ILR front entrance (will go to hotels and Ithaca airport, as needed)
Tompkins County Area Transit Schedules
Driving to the Cornell Campus
This topic: ILC/DampingRings/CTA09
> WebHome > WorkshopTransportation
Topic revision:
22 Jun 2009, MarkPalmer

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