Project: Investigation of ECAL Concepts Designed for Particle Flow
Contact: Graham W. Wilson (University of Kansas, USA) mail
System: Calorimetry
Assisting Panel Member: Ray Frey
Participating Institutions: -
(participating individuals)
- University of Kansas
Detector Concept Affiliation: LDC, GLD and SiD
web page:
recent presentations/publications:
- Using pi-zero mass constraint to improve..., Graham Wilson, SiD calorimetry meeting, Snowmass, July-2005 : (pdf)
- Investigation of ECAL concepts..., Graham Wilson, SiD calorimetry meeting, Snowmass July-2005 : (pdf)
- On evaluating the Calorimetry Performance..., Graham Wilson, LCWS05, Stanford July-2005 (proceedings): (pdf)
publicity graphics
Research Statement
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Topic revision:
29 Nov 2005, DanPeterson
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