Project: Scintillator-based Hadron Calorimetry
Contact: Felix Sefkow (DESY, Germany) mail
System: Calorimetry
Assisting Panel Member: Ray Frey
Collaborating Institutions: -
(Collaborating Individuals)
- Northern Illinois University, De Kalb
- JINR Dubna
- Fermilab (not CALICE member)
- Hamburg University
- Imperial College London
- McGill University
- ITEP Moscow
- MEPHI Moscow
- LPI Moscow
- Obninsk State University (not CALICE member)
- LAL Orsay
- INFN Pavia (not CALICE member)
- IPASCR Prague
- University of Regina
Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD, LDC, GLD
This project is affiliated with the CALICE collaboration.
web page:
recent presentations/publications:
- presentation on Tile SiPM systems by M. Danilov, Vienna, November 2005: (pdf)
- presentation on Electronics commissioning by M. Groll, Vienna, November 2005: (pdf)
- presentation on Tail Catcher by A. Dyshkant, Vienna, November 2005: (pdf)
publicity graphics
Scintillator tile (3x3cm2) with WLS fibre and SiPM |
Scintillator layer of the testbeam prototype |
The first HCAL prototype module in the DESY testbeam |
Combined cosmics test of SiW ECAL and 3 HCAL layers |
Research Statement
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Topic revision:
26 Dec 2005, DanPeterson
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