(incomplete, missing: funding)
Project: DEPFET pixel based vertex detector
Contact: Ladislav Andricek (MPI Munich, Halbleiterlabor)
mailto:lca@hll.mpg.de mail
System: Vertexing
Assisting Panel Member: Chris Damerell
Participating Institutions: -
(participating individuals)
- RWTH Aachen
- Bonn University
- Mannheim University
- MPI Munich, Halbleiterlabor
Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD, LDC, and GLD
web page: DEPFET pages at the
Bonn University and
MPI Halbleiterlabor, Munich
recent presentations/publications:
- PRC-Report (59th PRC Meeting 05/2005, DESY): (pdf)
- M.Trimpl et al., A DEPFET pixel matrix system for the ILC vertex detector, 2005: (pdf)
- R.Kohrs et al., Development of a prototype module for a DEPFET pixel vertex detector for a linear collider, 2004: (pdf)
- R.H. Richter at al., Design and technology of DEPFET pixel sensors for linear collider applications, 2002: (pdf)
- M. Trimpl et al., A Fast Readout using Switched Current Techniques for a DEPFET-Pixel Vertex Detector at TESLA, 2002: (pdf)
- L. Andricek et al., Processing of Ultra-Thin Silicon Sensors for Future e+e- Linear Collider Experiments, 2003: (pdf)
publicity graphics
DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor |
Module concept for the ILC VTX |
Chip assembly on the DEPFET-Hybrid |
Research Statement
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Topic revision:
29 Dec 2005, DanPeterson
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