Julia Thom-Levy
Assistant Professor, Physics
232 Newman Lab, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607)255 4093
Error: (3) can't find mugshot.jpg in People
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integrated detectors, to be used at future detectors at the Super-LHC or the International Linear Collider. Our sensitivity to New Physics depends critically on our ability to track particles with very high precision in a very challenging environment. Currently, most of this work is taking place at the Cornell Nanofabrication Center. My research group consistes of myself, one postdoc at CERN, four graduate students (at Fermilab, Cornell and CERN), and 5 Undergraduate students. I am collaborating closely with colleagues at Cornell, CERN, and Fermilab.
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This topic: People
> Thom
Topic revision:
27 Oct 2010, thom

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