Remote Connections to Workshop Sessions
Each workshop room is assigned its own ESNet code. The main number for access to ESNet by phone is:
+1 510 883 7860
The conference access codes that should be used are:
- Room 229 Sessions: 85 45237 229
- Room 329 Sessions: 85 45237 329
- Room 326 Sessions: 85 45237 326
For telephone access, call into the above number and then enter the correct access code followed by a # sign when prompted. Videoconference setups configured for ESNet use simply need to enter the ESNet code. Further information on ESNet can be found on the ESNet
You will need to check the workshop agenda to find out what room is hosting the session you want to connect to.
If you have problems connecting, please send us an email
to report it.
First, any speaker who is experiencing connection problems should
send us an email so that we can try to fix the problem.
In the event that connecting via ESNet fails, each room will be equipped with a speakerphone to allow speakers to call in directly. The phone numbers are:
- Room 229 Direct Number: +1 607 254 2258
- Room 329 Direct Number: +1 607 254 2283
- Room 326 Direct Number: +1 607 254 2280
If, for any reason, you need further support please call one of the following numbers:
- A/V support : +1 607 342 4159
- Mark Palmer : +1 607 280 1781
- Monica Wesley: +1 607 255 4952
This topic: ILC/DampingRings/ILCDR06
> WebHome > OutsideConnections
Topic revision:
25 Sep 2006, MarkPalmer
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