Workshop Accommodations
A block of 50 rooms with a special workshop rate of $119.99/night is being held at the
Ithaca Holiday Inn for the nights of Sept. 25-27. A somewhat smaller block has been reserved for the nights of Sept. 24 and 28 for those who need to arrive a day earlier or depart a day later. Participants should register with the hotel directly. Please indicate that you are part of the
ILC Damping Rings Workshop at the time of registration to obtain the workshop room rate.
Hotel Reservation Information:
- Reminder: There are still a few rooms being held by the hotel for workshop participants until September 8th.
- Holiday Inn says that recent difficulties with making reservations online and via the 800 number should now be fixed!
- Workshop nightly rate: $119.99
- Reservations can be made by any of the following methods (remember to specify that the reservation is for the ILC Damping Rings Workshop):
- Call the hotel directly at +1 607 272 1000.
- Call the Holiday Inn toll free number at +1 800 465 4329.
- Register online.
- If registering online, the special room rate can be obtained by specifying the code: CAG
- The main workshop block of rooms will be held until September 1, 2006, so please book early.
Travel Between the Holiday Inn and the ILR Conference Center
A shuttle bus will run between the hotel and the ILR Conference Center at the beginning and end of each day. In addition, buses operate between downtown Ithaca and the Cornell Campus throughout the day. More information about the shuttle and bus schedules can be found on the
Transportation page.
If you would like to drive from the hotel to campus, you will need to purchase a
visitor's parking permit at one of the visitor and parking booths located at the four main entrances to the campus. Visitor parking can then be used in designated areas.
This topic: ILC/DampingRings/ILCDR06
> WebHome > WorkshopAccommodations
Topic revision:
07 Sep 2006, MarkPalmer

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