2007 ILC Damping Rings Mini-Workshop
18-20 December, 2007
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
On behalf of the ILC Damping Rings Area Group, you are invited to attend the 2007 Damping Rings Mini-Workshop at KEK. The goals of the workshop are to provide an opportunity for discussion of progress in R&D for the ILC damping rings in the areas of:
- Electron Cloud
- Fast Injection/Extraction Kickers
- Impedance and Impedance Effects
and to review plans for further R&D in these areas through the ILC Engineering Design Phase.
Conveners for the parallel sessions are:
Please feel free to contact them if you would like to make a presentation.
Workshop Poster
- Participants must first register as a KEK User before registering for the workshop itself:
- KEK User Registration
- The following information should be entered with respect to project and affiliation on the registration form:
- Project: Research ATF(Accelarator)
- Type of work: ATF
- Project leader name: Junji Urakawa
- Project leader affiliation: KEK
- Project leader position / title: Prof.
- Contact section in KEK: Accelerator Laboratory(ILC)
- Contact person in KEK: Tomiko Shirakata
- Period: 2007/12/xx - 2007/12/yy
- Radiation: No
- Host Researcher: Junji Urakawa
- Once registered as a KEK User:
- Particpants should send an email to Tomiko Shirakata and Andy Wolski to confirm their participation in the workshop. Please let us know:
- Dates of arrival and departure
- Whether you need a visa to enter Japan
- VISA information
- Participants can arrange for accommodations, wireless access, and visa documents by following the instructions on the User Information web page.
- Please note that dorm rooms at KEK cannot be reserved more than 45 days in advance.
- There will be a registration fee of 5,000 Yen, payable in cash on arrival at the workshop.
The Excel format agenda also gives talk titles and a full list of participants.
- Latest version of the workshop agenda Excel or pdf (14 Dec 2007)
- Workshop Banquet:
- Date: Wednesday, December 19th, 6:00 p.m.
- Location: Sansuitei
WebEx Connection
We intend to make a
WebEx connection (by phone and internet) available.
- To join the Thursday Plenary Sessions:
- To join the Kickers Parallel Sessions (Wednesday):
- To join the ecloud Parallel Sessions (Wednesday):
- To join the Impedance Parallel Sessions (Wednesday):
Travel and Accommodations
Information on travel and accommodations is available from:
Links to hotels in Tsukuba:
archive of all ILCDR07_KEK talks will be maintained on the ILC Damping Rings web-site.
Organizing Committee:
J. Gao (IHEP)
S. Guiducci (INFN-LNF)
T. Mattison (UBC)
M. Palmer (Cornell)
M. Pivi (SLAC)
J. Urakawa (KEK)
M. Venturini (LBNL)
N. Walker (DESY)
A. Wolski (Cockcroft Institute)
Logos and photos courtesy of KEK
Web-site hosting provided by Cornell University LEPP
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Topic revision:
19 Dec 2007, AndrzejWolski
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