Daniel Peterson

Senior Physicist
Wilson Laboratory
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
office: +1 607 255-8784
TPC lab: +1 607 255-2470
Wilson Lab: +1 607 255-4882


D. Peterson is working on development of a TPC for the International Linear Collider. Work is being done in collaboration with the LCTPC collaboration, with members in the USA, Canada, China, Japan, Philipines, France, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, and CERN.

He has experience in gaseous tracking chamber construction and charged-particle reconstruction, including construction of the CLEO-I, CLEO-II, CLEO-III, and CLEOc chambers and development of the CLEO reconstruction code.

Recently, he has been working on an x-ray Beam Size Monitor (xBSM) used for low emittance tuning and measurement of emittance growth at CESRTA.

This topic: People > DanPeterson
Topic revision: 21 Oct 2009, dpp
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