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Lawrence Gibbons

Assoc. Professor, Physics
208 Newman Lab
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-5001
My current research activities center mainly on the Compact Muon Spectrometer (CMS) experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, where we will soon probe the highest energy particle collisions we have (ourselves) ever been able to achieve. With these new collisions -- the energy frontier -- we hope to observe new types of fundamental particles and forces that can help us answer questions ranging from "Why do particles have mass?!" to "What happened in the Big Bang?". Graduate student Aleko Khukhunaishvili and aI are currently studying W boson decays involving electrons and neutrinos. The neutrino escapes the detector unobserved, and we must infer its presence by from an imbalance of momentum in the detector.

Professional history

B.A., 1985, University of Chicago
Research Scientist, Sonoscan Inc., Warrenville, IL
Ph.D., 1993, University of Chicago
Research Associate, University of Rochester (CLEO), 1993-1997
Assistant Professor, Cornell University, 1997-2003
Associate Professor, Cornell University, 2003-present
CLEO Analysis Coordinator, 1996/97
CLEO III Software Upgrade Project Manager, 1997-2000
CLEO III Tracking Group Leader, 1998-2000
CLEO Software Coordinator, 2000/2001
SLAC Visiting Scientist, 2003

Professional Service

Scientific and Computing Reviews
LIGO and Advanced LIGO Project Reviews: 2003, 2006, 2009
SciDAC Lattice QCD Project Midterm Project Review, 2009
LQCD Annual Review Panel, 2008
Review of Particle Data Group, 2008
Fermilab URA Visiting Committee, 2002-2004 GriPhyN Visiting Committee, 2003
BaBar External Software Reviews, 2002, 2003
US LHC Software and Computing Review, 2001
Workshop / Conference Organization
International Advisory Panel, 4th Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM2006), 2006
|Vub|, |Vcb| Working Group Coordinator, CKM Workshop, April 2003, University of Durham, 2003
Organizaing Committee, Chicago Linear Collider Workshop, 2001-2002
Subgroup coordinator, P1 Working Group Summary: Higgs + SUSY, Snowmass 2001
Member, Heavy Flavors Averaging Group, 2006-2008
Member, Mini-review Contributor, Particle Data Group, 1999-2004
International Linear Collider
American Linear Collider Physics Group Executive Committee, 2002-2004
Editor, Linear Collider Physics Resource Book, Precision Studies, 2000

Selected Publications

Selected Talks