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Specify first run period when measurement can be accomplished or nominal date when simulations/analysis could be made available.xImproved energy acceptance, robustness to optics variation & perhaps reduction of the strength of 2Qx-nQs=m resonancesTopics: Session: Low Emittance Tuning 4 ns Feedback - Establish convenient methods for changing conditions and reading out bunch-by-bunch tunes under various conditionsDescription of needs and +Wider range of CesrTA operating parametersCD. Teitlman, M. Billing, M. Pamer, J. Sikora, M. Forster, R. MellerAneeds gated shaking to excite individual bunches, CBPM II modules&Location in CesrTA of EC phase advanceHigh#H. Williams, M. Billing, M. ForsterInstrumentation  xBSMs: Coded Aperture and Zone Plate measurements for intercalibration using vertical bumps, or coupling variation to change beam sizejNeeds Xray optics & intermediate (14ns) &/or final (4ns) bunch-by-bunch readout electronics & software Vertical beam size measurements DD. Peterson, J. Alexander, J. Flannigan, W. Hopkins, N. Rider, et alInstrumentation  vBSMs: Vertical polarization and interferometric measurements for calibration using vertical bumps, or coupling variation to change beam sizeoNeeds final visible light optics & intermediate (14ns) &/or final (4ns) bunch-by-bunch readout electronics 8D. Hartill, V. Megeszadi, R. Holtzapple, N. Rider, et alInstrumentation  0Needs design, then optics & readout electronics "Horizontal beam size measurements Horizontal BSM: study of different options: slow horizontal scan of vertical monitors, the depth of field issue, or possibly using set of vertical bends (V dispersion issue) or interferometer8Instrumentation  Horizontal pulsed scraper measurements1Needs tests with existing hardware for viability *Horizontal beam tails (size) measurements M. Billing, -Touschek lifetime measurements vs beam energy.Further study of energy & transverse aperturesKCharacterize IBS to have alternate method for determining V (& H) emittance Very High!J. Shanks, D. Rubin, D. GonnellaY*R&D Classifications: eg, LET, Instrumentation, RFA, TE Wave, EC Simulation, xBSM, OtherD Priority Classifications: Critical, Very High, High, Moderate, Lowl Instrumentation  BPM tilts  disentangle using either C11 & C22 vs C12 via phase measurement, MIA &/or ORM8 :> @E GACTA09 Proposed R&D Topics for the Remainder of the CesrTA Program-Conveners: M. Billing, S. Guiducci, J. ShanksR&DR&D Task DescriptionPre-requisites DeliverablesPriority Participants Target Date! Class*6Precision vertical dispersion & coupling measurements needs CBPM II modules, BPM tilts-Precision vertical dispersion & coupling dataCriticalJ. Shanks, D. Rubin8/09LET'Low emittance tuning controls: CouplingTuning control design3Coupling controls for Vertical beam size adjustment Very high7/09.- both global and localJLow emittance tuning controls: Vertical Dispersion - both global and local>Vertical Dispersion controls for Vertical beam size adjustmentLLow emittance tuning controls: Horizontal Dispersion - both global and localBHorizontal Dispersion controls for Horizontal beam size adjustmentModerate$Quasi-uniform sextupole distribution Design effortD. Rubin'Skew sextupole tuning controls - globalTImproved energy acceptance, & reduction of the strength of Qx-Qy-nQs=0 resonances12/09Instrumentation  BPM sneeds CBPM II modules8Improved position sensitivity, bunch-by-bunch capability3M. Billing, M. Palmer, M. Rendina, N. Rider, et alInstr3Improved coupling & vertical dispersion systematicsAJ. Shanks, J. Chae, D. Rubin, H. Williams, M. Billing, M. Forster(Instrumentation  Measure BPM AlignmentsSurvey of BPM detectors.BPM mechanical tilts for comparison with above J. 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