import os def OpenFile(File,SkipLines=0): with open(File,'r') as f: for j in range(SkipLines): blah=f.readline() #skip any headers if present lines=f.readlines() f.close() return lines def MakeDecDic(File): lines=OpenFile(File) DecDic={} for line in lines: line=line.split() DecDic[line[0]]=[float(line[2]),float(line[3])] #Keyword=[min,max] return DecDic def MakeObjDic(File): lines=OpenFile(File) ObjDic={} for line in lines: line=line.split() ObjDic[line[0]]=line[1] return ObjDic def MakeConDic(File): lines=OpenFile(File) ConDic={} for line in lines: line=line.split() ConDic[line[0]]={line[1]:float(line[2])} #constrain variable= {type of constraint: value} (potentially not general enough) return ConDic def MakeFileDic(FileName=[],AddPath='../'): ''' FileName= Should be a path leading to var_param AddPath= local path from where you execute python to where main directory is (i.e. directory where ./how_to_run.txt was executed) returns a dictionary of file paths from var_param ''' #if not FileName:FileName='../optconf/var_param' if not FileName:FileName=AddPath+'optconf/var_param' lines=OpenFile(FileName) #These are files set in var_param FileDic={'decision_variables_file':'','objectives_file':'','constraints_file':'','initial_data_file':'','outputfile':''} for line in lines: CurLine=line.split() if len(CurLine)>0: for k in FileDic: if CurLine[0]==k:FileDic[k]=AddPath+CurLine[1] return FileDic def GetAFront(FrontNumber,Skiplines=0,AddPath='../'): #better name would be GetAnIndividual, but too late for that... ''' FrontNumber=based on the order the point appeared in the .out file creates a dictionary containing all variables used to compute point on Pareto front AddPath= local path from where you execute python to where main directory is (i.e. directory where ./how_to_run.txt was executed) ''' FileDic=MakeFileDic(AddPath=AddPath) #### ParetoFile=FileDic['outputfile'] DecFile=FileDic['decision_variables_file'] DecDic=MakeDecDic(DecFile) ObjFile=FileDic['objectives_file'] ObjDic=MakeObjDic(ObjFile) ConFile=FileDic['constraints_file'] ConDic=MakeConDic(ConFile) ##### lines=OpenFile(ParetoFile,SkipLines=2) FrontLine=lines[FrontNumber].split() FrontDic={} ind=0 for k in DecDic: FrontDic[k]=['D',float(FrontLine[ind])] ind=ind+1 for k in ObjDic: FrontDic[k]=['O',float(FrontLine[ind])] ind=ind+1 for k in ConDic: FrontDic[k]='C' return FrontDic def DummyFront(AddPath='../'): #creates a FrontDic just like GetAFront but with holder values ''' AddPath= local path from where you execute python to where main directory is (i.e. directory where ./how_to_run.txt was executed) ''' FileDic=MakeFileDic(AddPath=AddPath) #### ParetoFile=FileDic['outputfile'] DecFile=FileDic['decision_variables_file'] DecDic=MakeDecDic(DecFile) ObjFile=FileDic['objectives_file'] ObjDic=MakeObjDic(ObjFile) ConFile=FileDic['constraints_file'] ConDic=MakeConDic(ConFile) ##### #lines=OpenFile(ParetoFile,SkipLines=2) #FrontLine=lines[FrontNumber].split() FrontDic={} ind=0 for k in DecDic: FrontDic[k]=['D',float(1e89)] #these are holder values ind=ind+1 for k in ObjDic: FrontDic[k]=['O',float(1e89)] ind=ind+1 for k in ConDic: FrontDic[k]='C' return FrontDic def MakeFrontFile(FileName,FrontNumber): ''' creates a file that can be used with ''' try: shutil.rmtree(FileName) except: pass FrontDic=GetAFront(FrontNumber) with open(FileName,"w+") as f: f.write('ID id_number 0 \n') f.write('NODE node_name all.q \n') f.write('FILE_CLEANUP F 1 \n') #f.write('TEMPLATE_DIR P '+TemplateDir+ ' \n') #f.write('TEMP_DIR P '+ TempDir+ ' \n') for k,v in FrontDic.items(): if v!='C': if v[0]=='D': f.write(k+' '+v[0]+ ' '+ str(v[1])+"\n") if v[0]=='O': f.write(k+' '+v[0]+"\n") if v=='C': f.write(k+' C\n') f.close() def MakeFrontFileFromFront(FileName,FrontDic): ''' creates a file that can be used with ''' try: shutil.rmtree(FileName) except: pass with open(FileName,"w+") as f: f.write('ID id_number 0 \n') f.write('NODE node_name all.q \n') f.write('FILE_CLEANUP F 1 \n') #f.write('TEMPLATE_DIR P '+TemplateDir+ ' \n') #f.write('TEMP_DIR P '+ TempDir+ ' \n') for k,v in FrontDic.items(): if v!='C': if v[0]=='D': f.write(k+' '+v[0]+ ' '+ str(v[1])+"\n") if v[0]=='O': f.write(k+' '+v[0]+"\n") if v=='C': f.write(k+' C\n') f.close() def GetParetoCol(File,ColName,FrontDic): lines=OpenFile(File,SkipLines=2) ColInd=0 Col=[] FoundColumn=False for k in FrontDic: if k==ColName: FoundColumn=True #print('found it') break ColInd=ColInd+1 CurLine=0 for line in lines: line=line.split() if line !=[]: Col.append(float(line[ColInd])) CurLine=CurLine+1 if FoundColumn==False: print('Warning: Column not found') return [] else: return Col def GetParetoFront(AddPath='../'): FileDic=MakeFileDic(AddPath=AddPath) PareFile=FileDic['outputfile'] ObjFile=FileDic['objectives_file'] ObjDic=MakeObjDic(ObjFile) FrontDic=GetAFront(1) NumObjs=len(ObjDic) ObjArray=[] ObjNames=[] for k in ObjDic: ObjCol=GetParetoCol(PareFile,k,FrontDic) ObjArray=ObjArray+[ObjCol] ObjNames=ObjNames+[k] return ObjNames,ObjArray def GetObjsFromRun(RunFile,AddPath='../'): #same as GetParetoFront but can be directed to RUN01_his if needed FileDic=MakeFileDic(AddPath=AddPath) PareFile=RunFile ObjFile=FileDic['objectives_file'] ObjDic=MakeObjDic(ObjFile) try: FrontDic=GetAFront(1,AddPath=AddPath) except: FrontDic=DummyFront(AddPath=AddPath) NumObjs=len(ObjDic) ObjArray=[] ObjNames=[] for k in ObjDic: ObjCol=GetParetoCol(PareFile,k,FrontDic) ObjArray=ObjArray+[ObjCol] ObjNames=ObjNames+[k] return ObjNames,ObjArray