Note: All CLASSE VMS systems were shut down on January 17, 2017.
The information below is obsolete.
From "Readme" file in
by E.Tanke
**************** CESR BPM DAQ online analysis utilities *********************
BPMPLOTTER: This program may be used for plotting beam positions as a function of turn or
average number. The source code is in USER$DISK:[CESR.PALMER.TS101.BPM.DEV]
The idea is to do this for 1 e+ AND 1 e- bunch (i.e. these two and only these two) need
to have been selected when the measurement was made. One could extent this capability
by allowing the user to choose from the bunches that were in the measurement.
It reads plot settings from bpm_plot.dat; below is an example of bpm_plot.dat:
-1000. 1000. -1000.5 1000.5 -1000. 1000. 0 0 0
-2000. 2000. -2000.5 2000.5 -2000. 2000. 0 0 0
0. 80000. 0. -80000.
The values correspond to:
ymn1,ymx1,ymn2,ymx2,ymn3,ymx3,ih1,ih2,ih3 <---- vertical scales for top, middle and bottom
plots (left side of window), followed by
maximum scale for top, middle and bottom
histograms (right side of window). This
window for horizontal positions (top plot
for one species, middle for the other and
bottom for the difference).
ymn4,ymx4,ymn5,ymx5,ymn6,ymx6,ih4,ih5,ih6 <---- vertical scales for top, middle and bottom
plots (left side of window), followed by
maximum scale for top, middle and bottom
histograms (right side of window). This
window for vertical positions (top plot
for one species, middle for the other and
bottom for the difference).
ymn7,ymx7,ymn8,ymx8 <---- vertical scales for top and bottom plots.
This window for sum of button signals.
ep <--- if 1, data in data file start with electrons and will be plotted at the top
if ep<>1, data file starts with positrons and they will be plotted at the top
ffd <--- if 1, plot on Xwindow; if 2, plot to gif files; if 3, plot to PS files.
Assuming @[CESR.PALMER.TS101.COM]init was typed earlier, execute BPMPLOTTER in the following
bpmplotter <data_file_name>
where <data_file_name> is the name of the datafile to read in. This file