CBPM Beam Position Monitor Electronic Logbook

14 Mar 2025 - 08:28


This log book is for monitoring work done with the 1st generation bunch-by-bunch CBPM system.

February 2006

February 28, 2006 (M. Palmer)

  • 17:50 Time in the CBPM system in low energy conditions.
    • Approx. 2.5 mA T1B1 e+
    • Write configuration file cbpm_00255.cfg
    • Install as temporary server constants file until remaining calibrations complete.
  • 18:40 Take new pedestals
    • No current
    • Write configuration file cbpm_00256.cfg
  • 18:57 Take electron timings
    • Approx. 5 mA T1B1 e-
    • Write configuration file cbpm_00257.cfg
  • Install cbpm_00257.cfg as official cbpm_server constants file
  • Possible problem at 8W for phase measurements
    • Phase 06388 with T1B1 e- shows a problem with 8W detector
      • This is near the "logic race" region in the west flare
      • Note that we had added a timing pickoff module at 3W a short while back
      • Orbit 110171 appears reasonable
      • Strongly suspect that phase measurement for T1B1 e- is off by a turn here
    • Phase xxxxxx with T1B1 e+

October 2007

Diagnostics on BPM 10W

  • 1900 Attempted to time in BPM 10W with a single positron bunch in machine
buf no :   button 0   button 1   button 2   button 3 phase word   Horz   Vert cmd/trig
    0  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    1  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    2  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    3  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    4  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    5  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    6  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    7  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    8  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
    9  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   10  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   11  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   12  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   13  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   14  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   15  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   16  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   17  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   18  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   19  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   20  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   21  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   22  :    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   23  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   24  :    64.0000    64.0000     0.0000     0.0000 0X00000000 0X0000 0X0000 0X0000
   25  :  1167.0000   974.0000  1128.0000  1415.0000 0X0E1D5808 0X01c3 0X0156 0X0008
   26  :  1171.0000   979.0000  1138.0000  1443.0000 0X04D03C08 0X009a 0X000f 0X0008
   27  :  1171.0000   969.0000  1138.0000  1447.0000 0X04D03C08 0X009a 0X000f 0X0008
   28  :  1162.0000   969.0000  1121.0000  1420.0000 0X0B932008 0X0172 0X00c8 0X0008
   29  :  1175.0000   975.0000  1152.0000  1493.0000 0X024E0408 0X0049 0X0181 0X0008
   30  :  1178.0000   982.0000  1162.0000  1536.0000 0X0900E808 0X0120 0X003a 0X0008


After running several diagnostics, it appears that there is a problem with setting the timing registers for CBPM module 3 which was
located at 10W.  Swapped module 19 for module 3.


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Topic revision: 16 Oct 2007, MarkPalmer
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