[this is a raw cut&paste of an email from jed]
Below is an attempt to list all the steps that need to occur for Pass2 in an attempt to get a more systematic approach in place, as well as examples, and a list of tools that have been useful to me.
I think I've got all the steps, but I am currently a bit confused about the move from p2-postprocess to physics-unchecked. The steps I have are a move from p2-unchecked to p2-postprocess, followed by injection of PP2 constants into physics-unchecked - is this correct, or is there a move step I have forgotten about? I've also tried to include words about what I find confusing at each step.
Anyway - Valentin, can you scan through this and see if I have forgotten any steps or have syntax trouble? I would guess that the physics-unchecked to physics move has an old syntax that needs updating.
I'll update the file once I get comments and then make it public somehow.
thanks jean
Steps in talking to
EventStore for Pass2
Below is a list of steps that are required to Pass2 to run and write to the eventstore. Included are examples of how these steps are accomplished. These examples are not meant to illustrate the full power of the
GroupEventStoreToolkit, but rather the features I have used.
Note that all work is to be done on the master
-mysql lnx151.lns.cornell.edu -esdb
Note also that one can test on
-mysql lnx151.lns.cornell.edu -esdb
EventStoreTest is synched everyday to the master and serves as a test bed to avoid screw ups. Once one is happy with the results, then the slave
EventStore on lnx150 can be updated (by Valentine)
Separate steps are indicated by "******"
0) Documenting what is done:
At each step the P2 czar should try to document what he is trying to accomplish (ie move runs in data36 from p2-unchecked to p2-postprocess, with a list of why certain runs might have been dropped.)
Injecting a note into the
example: /home/pass2/p2/EventStore/moveGrades/data36_vs1/add_note_p2move_20050405.scr
${myGroupEventStoreToolkit}/addComment.py -grade p2-postprocess -timeStamp 20041207 -comment myComment.txt -date 20050405 -esdb
EventStore -mysql lnx151.lns.cornell.edu
Reading notes in the
example: /home/pass2/p2/EventStore/moveGrades/data36_vs1/add_note_p2move_20050405.log
${myGroupEventStoreToolkit}/getComment.py -date 20050101 20050413 -esdb
re -mysql lnx151.lns.cornell.edu
1) move raw data into the eventstore under grade daq-unchecked. Currently this is done automatically, no P2 czar intervention required.
2) move data from daq-unchecked to daq
This requires manual intevervention by a person to be determined. Should the list of runs flagged as not worth considering by the CLEOSoft/RunMan/Bill Love be excluded at this stage ? If not then the move from daq-unchecked to daq can be done automatically by the same person who does the daq-unchecked injection.
The P2 Czar's work for this should be done in /home/pass2/p2/EventStore/moveGrades/
(this example is for p2-postprocess NOT daq grade.)
${myToolKit}/modVersionDB.py -grade ${OLDGRADE} ${NEWGRADE} -timeStamp ${MYTIMESTAMPOLD} ${MYTIMESTAMPNEW} -mysql ${MyServer} -esdb ${MYEVENTSTOREDB} -runRange ${MYMINRUN} ${MYMAXRUN} -runList ${BADRUNLIST} -verbose
The env variables above that need to be supplied are:
Set OLDGRADE to daq-unchecked, NEWGRADE to daq
For the daq move both MYTIMESTAMPOLD and MYTIMESTAMPNEW are 0
This gives the first and last run in the full dataXY_vsZ dataset
-runList ${BADRUNLIST}
This is an ascii list of runs that should not be moved - one per line.
Remember to note why these runs did not get moved.
need to add a -logDir argument here to send logfiles to one place. Should we create
/nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/daq/ for this ????
3) run pass2
Pass2 does not write out directly to the
EventStore although it gets its input from it.
As an addendum to the above - currently the pass2 setup script is the one that decides which runs should or should not be P2ed by looking at the file /home/pass1/cleo-c/Luminosities/runlists/dataXY.runlist
The script that does this is
It looks for runs with quality "1" in the fourth column of the dataXY.runlist
file, requires in addition at least 1 K events for low energy runs and
more than 20K events for high energy runs.
This selection touches files on ~pass2/p2/dataXY_vsZ/runstate/todo -
these files are the ones P2 looks at to know what to run on.
4) inject Pass2 output pds files as p2-unchecked
Work for this should be done in
$MyESBuilder -mysql $MyServer -esdb $MyDB -output $MyOutputArea -time $MyTimeStamp -grade $MyGrade -dataVersionName $MydataVersionName -add /nfs/cleoc/data1/event/P2-20050224-20041104_P2/206359/206502/*_hot_*.pds
-output $MyOutputArea
This is where the lindex files and such go - set it to
-time $MyTimeStamp
This is currently set to 20041207 - ie the latest "cycle" of pass2 done
was on this date. How do we decide that we have started a new cycle
and need to change this ?
-grade $MyGrade
Set this to p2-unchecked
-dataVersionName $MydataVersionName
This one is tough... Currently set to P2-20050225-20041104_P2-data36_vs1
(ie P2-(date P2 first ran on data36_vs1)_(Code release)-dataXY_vsZ )
-add /nfs/cleoc/data1/event/P2-20050224-20041104_P2/206359/206502/*_hot_*.pds
This is the path to the hot store pds output for each run. When assembling
these, make sure the file actually exists, and that there is exactly one for
each run.
need to add a -logDir argument here to send logfiles to one place. We should use
/nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/pass2/dataXY_vsZ ?
Points of possible confusion:
a) Timestamp to use
b) dataVersionName to use
Note that one should inject all runs that completed running in pass2 just for
accounting sanity. (What happens if some run is could not complete pass2 ?)
5) inject Pass2 views (bhagam, 2photon, qcd) (in the form
of idxa files) into p2-unchecked
Work happens in /home/pass2/p2/EventStore/injection/pass2/dataXY_vsZ
${myGroupEventStoreToolkit}/ESBuilder.py -output ${MYOUTPUT} -time ${MYTIMESTAMP} -grade ${MYGRADE} -view ${MYVIEW} -add $MYVIEWLIST -dataVersionName ${MYSVNAME} -esdb ${MYEVENTSTORE} -mysql lnx151.lns.cornell.edu -logDir ${MYLOGAREA}
-output ${MYOUTPUT}
Set this to /nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/pass2/dataXY_vsZ
use same TIMESTAMP as the p2-unchecked injection in step 5
-grade ${MYGRADE}
set this to p2-unchecked
-view ${MYVIEW}
set this to either 2photon, qcd, or bhagam
set this to a file that has on each line the path to the idxa file for this view, eg:
-dataVersionName ${MYSVNAME}
same as the p2-unchecked version eg P2-20050225-20041104_P2-data36_vs1
-logDir ${MYLOGAREA}
logfiles for failed work go to /nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/pass2/dataXY_vsZ
Points of confusion:
a) Should have one and only one file injected for each run that is in p2-unchecked
6) move pass2 output from p2-unchecked to p2-postprocess
work for this should be done in
${myToolKit}/modVersionDB.py -grade ${OLDGRADE} ${NEWGRADE} -timeStamp ${MYTIMESTAMPOLD} ${MYTIMESTAMPNEW} -mysql ${MyServer} -esdb ${MYEVENTSTOREDB} -runRange ${MYMINRUN} ${MYMAXRUN} -runList ${BADRUNLIST} -verbose
Set these to p2-unchecked, p2-postprocess
These are both set to the same TIMESTAMP as the original p2-unchecked
time stamp (if for data36_vs1 20041207)
These are the lowest and highest run number in this move
-runList ${BADRUNLIST}
An ascii list of runs to exclude in this move
need to add a -logDir argument here to send logfiles to one place.
We should use /nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/pass2/dataXY_vsZ
Points of possible confusion:
a) What timestamps to use
b) Can we do partial run ranges without too much complication ? This
should be rarely done.
7) Run
PostP2 jobs and create PP2 pds files
These jobs do not write out to the
EventStore directly.
These jobs require that calibrators be able to look at the p2-unchecked
output. Thus the slave lnx150
EventStore needs to be updated before
this occurs.
Currently calibrators must write out enough to get the following:
{beginrun {CcRunGain
CcHotList BeamSpot RunStats Luminosity {Luminosity
GamGam} } } {startrun {BeamEnergy
LabNet4Momentum MagneticField} } {event {FATable
FATable FATable FATable} } endrun
a) CcRunGain, CcHotList (BKH)
b) BeamSpot (Watkins)
c) Runinfo (BKH)
d) MagFudge * I think this is assumed in RunInfo (Batbold/BKH for runinfo)
This constant is very constant and its variation can be safely neglected.
e) Beam Energy corrections (DLK)
f) dedx (Gocha)
Once all these are done and the relevant ascii files and constants DB
are updated, scripts in Pass2Scripts/extract_p2postinfo/ can be used
to create the PP2 output pds files. One thing to be careful of here is
that the constants tag used for this must be ANALYSIS-C_5 - the
postp2 constants tag does not have dedx built into it (!) and is
used only for CC calibration.
8) Inject PP2 pds files into physics-unchecked grade
work is done in
${MyESBuilder} -add /cdat/sol514/disk3/pass2/data35_vs1/run205136/p2post_205136_vs2.pds -grade ${MyGrade} -time ${MyTimeStamp} -dataVersionName ${MysvName} -listOfParents ${MyParentName} -output ${MyOutputArea} -esdb ${MyDB} -mysql ${MyServer} -no-key
-add /cdat/sol514/disk3/pass2/data35_vs1/run205136/p2post_205136_vs2.pds
This is the PP2 pds file you are adding (one for each run)
-grade ${MyGrade}
-time ${MyTimeStamp}
for data35_vs we set this to 20050324 - this was used because we had
screwed up in our first round, and need to create a new time stamp.
(This new time stamp forced us to move all other datasets to this
new time stamp as well.)
-dataVersionName ${MysvName}
Up to now we have used P2-20050320-20050120_FULL-data35_vs1-PP2
- ie the same datasetversion name as the injection of the pds files
into p2-unchecked in step 4 with a "-PP2" added on. For data35 since
we tried to fix a problem we did a second injection with a
-listOfParents ${MyParentName}
This should be the dataVersionName of p2-unchecked stuff we are
trying to associate these PP2 files with (ie what was used in step 4)
-output ${MyOutputArea}
need to add a -logDir argument here to send logfiles to one place.
We should use /nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/p2postprocess/dataXY_vsZ
9) move runs from physics-unchecked to physics
** The following command may be wrong as it comes from an old file
I was using *******
${myToolKit}/modVersionDB.py -grade ${OLDGRADE} ${NEWGRADE} -timeStamp ${MYTIMESTAMPOLD} ${MYTIMESTAMPNEW} -mysql lnx151.lns.cornell.edu -esdb ${MYEVENTSTOREDB} -runRange ${MYMINRUN} ${MYMAXRUN} -runList ${BADRUNLIST} -verbose
set to physics-unchecked, and physics
Again we should use the time stamps appropriate for this cycle
of pass2
lowest and highest run numbers in this dataset
-runList ${BADRUNLIST}
A list of runs to exclude in this full runrange
Points of confusion:
b) is listofParents needed here?
need to add a -logDir argument here to send logfiles to one place.
We should use /nfs/objy/EventStoreDB/ESDBDir/p2postprocess/dataXY_vsZ ????
10) release to users
Note that dtag are done after this by someone else.
Also, some users might still be using constants that we
might wish to integrate into the eventstore - things like
electron ID - but these are only available after data
gets into physics grade at this point.
****** Useful tools:
I am attempting to keep some useful scripts in
Among them are:
If you supply a grade, this script will dump out a list of runs
available as of today in the evenstore
These script do a summary dump of the EventStore contents
for today's date.
Writes out the content of a given input pds file.
Allows us to make a local backup of the eventstore
before we do anything else. Requires a username and
-- DanRiley - 22 Apr 2005