
   gSystem->Load("libCLHEPRflx.so") ;
   gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite.so") ;
   AutoLibraryLoader::enable() ;
   TFile* f = new TFile("pythiaHZZ4mu.root") ;
   TTree* tevt = f->Get("Events") ;
   int nevt = tevt->GetEntries() ;
   std::cout << "Number of Events = " << nevt << std::endl ;
   edm::HepMCProduct EvtProd ;
   TBranch* bhepmc =
      tevt->GetBranch( "edmHepMCProduct_source__PROD.obj") ;

   bhepmc->SetAddress( & EvtProd ) ;
   HepMC::GenEvent*    Evt = 0 ;
   HepMC::GenVertex*   Vtx = 0 ;
   HepMC::GenParticle* Part = 0 ;
   int                 NVtx = 0 ;
   int                 NPrt = 0 ;
   HepMC::GenVertex*   HiggsDecVtx = 0 ;
   HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator pit ;
   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator vit ;
   HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator vpit ;
   // because I hate using std::map and there has been NO dictionary 
   // for std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*> untill tag V00-07-00 of the
   // SimDataFormats/HepMCProduct, I'm doing a dirty trick of storing
   // momenta in one container (std::vector) and the PDG's (for checking 
   // charge) in another (TArrayI)
   // I'll fix it in the 090 series   
   std::vector<CLHEP::HepLorentzVector> StableMuMom ;
   // I'm reserving it for 20 int's... I wish it was automatic
   TArrayI StablePDG(20) ;
   TH1D* Hist2muMass = new TH1D( "Hist2muMass", "test 2-mu mass", 100,  60., 120. ) ;
   TH1D* Hist4muMass = new TH1D( "Hist4muMass", "test 4-mu mass", 100, 170., 210. ) ;
//   HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator pin ;
//   HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator pout ;
//   std::set<HepMC::GenParticle*>::const_iterator pin ;
//   std::set<HepMC::GenParticle*>::const_iterator pout ;

   for ( int iev=0; iev<nevt; iev++ )

      bhepmc->GetEntry(iev) ;
      Evt = EvtProd->GetEvent() ;

      if ( iev == 0 ) Evt->print() ;

      NVtx = Evt->vertices_size() ;
      NPrt = Evt->particles_size() ;
      cout << " Event " << iev << " : NVtx = " << NVtx << ", NPrt = " << NPrt << endl ;
      for (vit=Evt->vertices_begin(); vit!=Evt->vertices_end(); vit++ )
         for ( vpit=(*vit)->particles_begin(HepMC::children);
          vpit!=(*vit)->particles_end(HepMC::children); vpit++ )
       Part = (*vpit) ;
       cout << " PDG ID = " << Part->pdg_code() << endl ;
      HiggsDecVtx = 0 ;
      StableMuMom.clear() ;
      for ( pit=Evt->particles_begin(); pit!=Evt->particles_end(); pit++)
    Part = (*pit) ;
    if ( Part->pdg_id() == 25 )
       HiggsDecVtx = Part->end_vertex() ;
       if ( HiggsDecVtx != 0 )
          cout << " Found Higgs with valid decay vertex : " 
                  << HiggsDecVtx->barcode() 
             << " in event " << iev << endl ;
          break ;

      if ( HiggsDecVtx == 0 )
         cout << "There is NO Higgs in the event " << iev << endl ;
         for ( pit=Evt->particles_begin(); pit!=Evt->particles_end(); pit++)
       Part = (*pit) ;
       if ( abs(Part->pdg_id()) == 13 && Part->status() == 1 )
          // here's the "dirty trick" itself, storing info
          // in 2 differnt containers...
          StableMuMom.push_back( Part->momentum() ) ;
          StablePDG[StableMuMom.size()-1] = Part->pdg_id() ;
      cout << " Found " << StableMuMom.size() << " stable muons" << endl ;
      // these two need to be inside the event loop
      // - or never cleaned properly
      CLHEP::HepLorentzVector Mom2mu ;
      CLHEP::HepLorentzVector Mom4mu ;

      for ( unsigned int i=0; i<StableMuMom.size(); i++ )
    for ( unsigned int j=i+1; j<StableMuMom.size(); j++ )
       if ( StablePDG.At(i)*StablePDG.At(j) > 0 ) continue ; // skip same charge pairs
       Mom2mu = StableMuMom[i] + StableMuMom[j];
       // double XMass2mu = Mom2mu.m() ;
       cout << " 2-mu inv.mass = " << Mom2mu.m() << endl ;
       Hist2muMass->Fill( Mom2mu.m() ) ;
      if ( StableMuMom.size() == 4 )
         for ( unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++ )
       Mom4mu += StableMuMom[i] ;
    Hist4muMass->Fill( Mom4mu.m() ) ;
      cout << " 4-mu inv.mass = " << Mom4mu.m() << endl ;                    
   TCanvas* cnv = new TCanvas("cnv") ;
   cnv->Divide(2,1) ;
   cnv->cd(1) ;
   Hist2muMass->Draw() ;
   cnv->cd(2) ;
   Hist4muMass->Draw() ;

-- ChrisDJones - 11 Aug 2006
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Nov 2006, ChrisDJones
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