
Comparison Profiles for Different Implementations

In all cases the same file of 100,000 Higgs to Z Z events were used.

PyROOT directly

>>> import hotshot
>>> p= hotshot.Profile("pyroot_100000.profile")
>>> p.run('execfile("test_100000.py")')

>>> stats.print_stats(40)
         5371878 function calls (5371819 primitive calls) in 191.914 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: internal time, call count
   List reduced from 123 to 40 due to restriction <40>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   100000   65.385    0.001   65.385    0.001 roottools.py:55(__readData)
  2719749   56.256    0.000   56.256    0.000 roottools.py:63(range)
   900000   37.053    0.000   37.053    0.000 test_100000.py:14(<generator expression>)
        1   21.373   21.373  191.913  191.913 test_100000.py:1(?)
   751048    5.330    0.000   20.676    0.000 test_100000.py:12(<generator expression>)
   500000    3.816    0.000    3.816    0.000 test_100000.py:16(<generator expression>)
        1    1.204    1.204    1.360    1.360 roottools.py:1(?)
   100001    0.431    0.000    0.941    0.000 roottools.py:40(__iter__)
   100000    0.395    0.000   65.780    0.001 roottools.py:58(__call__)
   100000    0.339    0.000    0.510    0.000 roottools.py:32(__setBranchIndicies)
   100000    0.171    0.000    0.171    0.000 roottools.py:52(setIndex)
        1    0.053    0.053    0.122    0.122 ROOT.py:1(?)
        1    0.023    0.023    0.067    0.067 string.py:20(?)
        1    0.023    0.023    0.023    0.023 threading.py:1(?)
        1    0.020    0.020    0.031    0.031 sre.py:94(?)
        1    0.010    0.010    0.033    0.033 ROOT.py:358(__doGUIThread)
        1    0.010    0.010    0.010    0.010 sre_compile.py:11(?)
        1    0.010    0.010    0.041    0.041 re.py:1(?)
        1    0.002    0.002    0.004    0.004 roottools.py:47(__init__)
     25/1    0.001    0.000  191.914  191.914 <string>:1(?)
     13/5    0.001    0.000    0.002    0.000 sre_parse.py:374(_parse)
        1    0.001    0.001    0.001    0.001 ROOT.py:265(__init__)
        1    0.001    0.001    0.001    0.001 ROOT.py:140(std)
      293    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 sre_parse.py:201(get)
        1    0.001    0.001    0.002    0.002 roottools.py:5(createBranchBuffer)
        1    0.001    0.001    0.001    0.001 <string>:0(?)
       12    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 ROOT.py:283(__setattr__)
      326    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_parse.py:182(__next)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_parse.py:11(?)
     16/5    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_compile.py:27(_compile)
       56    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_parse.py:195(match)
     18/7    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_parse.py:140(getwidth)
     10/5    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000 sre_parse.py:301(_parse_sub)
        5    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000 sre_parse.py:658(parse)
        5    0.000    0.000    0.003    0.001 sre_compile.py:490(compile)
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 threading.py:152(__init__)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_constants.py:12(?)
       34    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_parse.py:130(__getitem__)
        4    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 sre_compile.py:202(_optimize_charset)
        6    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 ROOT.py:340(__getattr2)

Signal based engine

>>> stats.print_stats(40)
         93876431 function calls (56762953 primitive calls) in 643.233 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: internal time, call count
   List reduced from 243 to 40 due to restriction <40>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
7168825/100002  111.167    0.000  637.478    0.006 signalslot.py:37(__call__)
10137542/100002   90.078    0.000  636.336    0.006 signalslot.py:98(__call__)
   100000   66.941    0.001   66.941    0.001 roottools.py:55(__readData)
  1968701   42.864    0.000   42.864    0.000 roottools.py:63(range)
9537516/100002   40.397    0.000  635.479    0.006 signalslot.py:90(func)
6868801/100002   39.544    0.000  638.024    0.006 engine.py:158(send)
5337410/4137406   36.529    0.000  362.809    0.000 engine.py:186(__call__)
200010/100002   28.617    0.000  558.867    0.006 engine.py:198(__call__)
 13537610   18.764    0.000   18.764    0.000 engine.py:109(stackDepth)
1900030/1200006   17.980    0.000  180.267    0.000 engine.py:224(__call__)
  1400000   16.279    0.000   35.980    0.000 engine.py:142(copyWithExtend)
1800054/100002   16.017    0.000  635.096    0.006 engine.py:171(__call__)
  4468708   14.896    0.000   14.896    0.000 engine.py:104(__init__)
  7637402   11.263    0.000   11.263    0.000 engine.py:115(data)
  1868701   10.185    0.000   10.185    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:56(<lambda>)
  2000006    7.514    0.000    7.514    0.000 engine.py:10(__init__)
  1700004    6.203    0.000   12.622    0.000 engine.py:20(copyWithExtend)
  2268701    5.513    0.000    5.513    0.000 engine.py:14(increment)
   100000    4.107    0.000    4.107    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:88(<lambda>)
  3100002    4.052    0.000    4.052    0.000 engine.py:111(breadcrumbs)
300029/200014    3.851    0.000  146.628    0.001 engine.py:298(__call__)
   500000    3.526    0.000    3.526    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:13(accumulate)
  1868701    3.316    0.000    3.316    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:53(<lambda>)
   400000    2.945    0.000    5.946    0.000 engine.py:254(__readyToProcess)
200010/200005    2.414    0.000    3.614    0.000 engine.py:281(if_)
   400000    2.288    0.000    2.288    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:69(<lambda>)
   400000    2.241    0.000    2.241    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:67(<lambda>)
   400000    2.202    0.000    2.202    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:93(<lambda>)
   200008    2.078    0.000  130.434    0.001 engine.py:264(right)
   399998    2.016    0.000    2.016    0.000 engine.py:55(synchedTo)
   100000    1.932    0.000    1.932    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:51(<lambda>)
   200000    1.898    0.000  125.020    0.001 engine.py:251(__sendSignal)
   200000    1.834    0.000    1.834    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:71(<lambda>)
   200000    1.823    0.000    1.823    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:74(<lambda>)
   200008    1.653    0.000    6.145    0.000 engine.py:257(left)
   200001    1.641    0.000    2.727    0.000 engine.py:137(copyForEnd)
   200001    1.618    0.000    2.720    0.000 engine.py:132(copyForBegin)
        1    1.383    1.383    1.463    1.463 roottools.py:1(?)
        4    1.329    0.332    1.329    0.332 root_engine_test_100000.py:16(value)
   100000    1.264    0.000   68.581    0.001 root_engine_test_100000.py:49(<lambda>)

Code writing version of Engine

>>> import hotshot
>>> p = hotshot.Profile("h_100000.profile")
>>> p.run('execfile("root_engine_test_100000.py")')

>>> stats.print_stats(40)
         10314162 function calls (10313314 primitive calls) in 166.684 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: internal time, call count
   List reduced from 239 to 40 due to restriction <40>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   100000   61.659    0.001   61.659    0.001 roottools.py:55(__readData)
  1968701   41.051    0.000   41.051    0.000 roottools.py:63(range)
        1   23.360   23.360  164.451  164.451 <string>:2(?)
  1868701    9.538    0.000    9.538    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:56(<lambda>)
   100000    3.955    0.000    3.955    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:88(<lambda>)
   500000    3.328    0.000    3.328    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:13(accumulate)
  1868701    3.259    0.000    3.259    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:53(<lambda>)
   400000    2.095    0.000    2.095    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:69(<lambda>)
   400000    2.068    0.000    2.068    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:93(<lambda>)
   400000    2.046    0.000    2.046    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:67(<lambda>)
   100000    1.854    0.000    1.854    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:51(<lambda>)
   200000    1.750    0.000    1.750    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:71(<lambda>)
   200000    1.711    0.000    1.711    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:74(<lambda>)
        2    1.246    0.623    1.246    0.623 root_engine_test_100000.py:16(value)
   100000    1.205    0.000   63.248    0.001 root_engine_test_100000.py:49(<lambda>)
        1    1.203    1.203    1.280    1.280 roottools.py:1(?)
        1    0.774    0.774  166.680  166.680 root_engine_test_100000.py:1(?)
   100000    0.624    0.000    0.624    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:112(<lambda>)
   200000    0.541    0.000    0.541    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:38(accumulate)
   100001    0.418    0.000    0.931    0.000 roottools.py:40(__iter__)
   200000    0.392    0.000    0.392    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:23(reset)
   100000    0.384    0.000   62.043    0.001 roottools.py:58(__call__)
   100000    0.339    0.000    0.513    0.000 roottools.py:32(__setBranchIndicies)
   400000    0.336    0.000    0.336    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:26(accumulate)
   200000    0.262    0.000    0.262    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:29(value)
   100000    0.241    0.000    0.241    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:99(<lambda>)
   100000    0.191    0.000    0.191    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:109(<lambda>)
   100000    0.173    0.000    0.173    0.000 roottools.py:52(setIndex)
   100000    0.120    0.000    0.120    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:91(<lambda>)
   100000    0.116    0.000    0.116    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:35(reset)
   100000    0.102    0.000    0.102    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:41(value)
   100000    0.087    0.000    0.087    0.000 root_engine_test_100000.py:103(<lambda>)
        1    0.042    0.042    0.044    0.044 ROOT.py:1(?)
        1    0.029    0.029    0.136    0.136 inspect.py:24(?)
        1    0.023    0.023    0.023    0.023 threading.py:1(?)
        1    0.022    0.022    0.063    0.063 string.py:20(?)
        1    0.019    0.019    0.029    0.029 sre.py:94(?)
        1    0.018    0.018    0.166    0.166 signalslot.py:7(?)
        1    0.011    0.011    0.011    0.011 weakref.py:6(?)
        1    0.010    0.010    0.033    0.033 ROOT.py:358(__doGUIThread)


The 'python code writing' version is nearly 4 times faster than the signal version and 15% faster than the pyroot version. The = __readData= method is where the TBranch is actually being read (and converted to python by PyROOT). The range is where the C++ iterators are being converted into a python iterator and used to do a loop. Therefore both the PyROOT and the 'python code writing' version are spending all their time in the Python to C++ based code.

-- ChrisDJones - 29 Oct 2006
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Nov 2006, ChrisDJones
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