You are here: CLASSE Wiki>HEP/SWIG Web>CmsDbs>DbsRequirements>DbsActorGoals (08 May 2006, AndrewDolgert)Edit Attach

Actor Goals for CMS DBS

Here we write goals for known actors in order to get a sense both for the interfaces to the system and for a good granularity for use cases.


We will mark some goals as belonging to a particular package. This is just a way to make sets of the goals we will describe first.
  • CSA06 - Those goals related to the large-scale test CSA06.
  • Workflow - Those goals necessary for workflow tools to be developed later.

Primary Actors

Actor Goal Description
Detector Expert Correct detector from data quality  
Produce best, final alignment Use offline analysis of reconstruction data to make a more precise alignment of the detector.
Production Manager Generate Generic Monte Carlo The production manager asks the system to create Monte Carlo data which matches the state of the detector. This must be redone every time there is a new version of analysis tools.
Supply an express-line stream A Tier 0 production manager can specify that a particular skim of reconstructed events gets processed and sent for analysis at a faster rate.
Prioritize MC production A Tier 0 production manager shifts MC production among Tier 1-3 sites in order to accommodate different production strategies.
Process Real Data The production manager takes raw data from the detector and runs it through reconstruction and basic checks to produce data for collaborators.
Monitor Sample Production This actor asks what samples of a particular physics process have been produced. They may have client physicists who need these samples or may want to see that production machinery is working.
Keep reconstruction data up to date. A Tier 1 facility has to make re-reco when there are new versions of reconstruction algorithms.
Physicist Find / Obtain a Sample A physicist looks through samples to find ones that match their requirements for a particular analysis. If one does not exist, the physicist may ask the production manager to create it or may request that it be transfered to a location where the physicist can analyze it.
Create Signal Monte Carlo  
Analyze Systematics  
Analyze data  
Rerun an analysis  
Data Manager Reorganize datasets on disk  
Ensure there is enough room to do upcoming analysis.  
System Administrator Delete a dataset Remove a copy of a dataset from a local disk.
Load balance Check which media hold data and rearrange the data so that the media can efficiently serve it and accept more.

Internal Actors

Because no primary actors contact the DBS directly (excepting a systems administrator), interactions with internal actors are very important. While most of the CMS data management system is well-defined, the responsibilities of the DBS aren't firm, so we must, of necessity, include some parts of the whole CMS DMS in our “system under design.”

Actor Goal Description
Calibration service Prompt calibration Use RECO data to recalibrate reconstruction automatically.
Event display Show how event data relates to detector function  
Show how detector geometry and conditions affect physics analysis  
Dataset Explorer    
Workflow Tool Re-run a set of analysis steps with new software versions  

-- Drew Dolgert - 26 Apr 2006
Topic revision: r3 - 08 May 2006, AndrewDolgert
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