The CMS DBS is an internal actor in a much larger system. While other internal actors have already been identified, responsibilities and collaborators of those actors are not fully decided and within the scope of this analysis.
Primary Actors
A physicist analyzes detector data and its products in order to measure physics processes.
Detector Expert
On site with the detector, this person is responsible for the quality of raw data.
Production Run Manager
This person initiates and monitors the processing of data.
Backup Operator
Ensures DBS can be restored in case of failure.
Collaboration Manager
Oversees the physics analysis effort. Concerned with data integrity and security.
Internal Actors
Data Location Service (DLS)
Given a logical filename, this service reports physical file locations.
Parameter Set Database
Records for an analysis job all configuration relevant to the physics algorithm.
Local File Catalog
Given a logical filename, this service reports physical file locations for data local to a collaboration.
Software (SW) Framework
This framework hosts analysis jobs. It is responsible for providing the analysis algorithm a consistent environment and for providing the rest of the system with a consistent view of an analysis.
Like the Software Framework, this is a framework to host analysis applications. It is not specific to CMS but can work with the CMS system.
BOSS is responsible for submitting analysis jobs to various grid engines.
This system is responsible for running production Monte Carlo analysis and data analysis at Tier 0.
This tool distributes data files to different locations.
System Under Design
Global Database Bookkeeping System
This is responsible for recording all analysis available to the project as a whole. In CMS, it is housed at CERN.
Local Database Bookkeeping System
This records all analysis available to and completed by a single site doing production analysis. In CMS, it corresponds to Tier 1 and, possibly, smaller collaborations.
Personal Database Bookkeeping System
This records analysis available to a small group of researchers. It is suggested for cases where processing is done disconnected from the other DBS.