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Work to be done by the project Contact

Add the requested information to the funding chart

Note: access to your funding information is restricted to the WWSOC, the Panel, and the Contact.
  • Navigate to your project page.
  • Locate the words "Funding" on the page. The link should be active
  • Select the "Funding" link.
  • Select "edit" on the lower grey bar. This will open the page in the edit environment.
  • Enter or edit your funding chart using the instructions below.
  • Do not modify the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE lines (3 lines, starting with "<", ending with ">")
  • Click "save" on the lower grey bar.

Following the "Funding:" line, you will find a template of a chart. The web page uses a simple format for creating the chart. The horizontal bars, "|", are the delimiters for the columns. It is possible for the user to add as many lines as desired.

The Detector R&D Panel would like to fix the format of the funding chart to have the columns you see in the template (with units as indicated):
  • year,
  • equipment costs in US$, (this now includes all non-staff expenses: equipment, gas, pencils, and travel)
  • Academic staff time in person-years
    • (Academic staff includes faculty, senior scientists, and post-docs.)
  • Student time in person-years
    • (The category, Students, includes undergraduate and graduate students.)
  • Support staff time in person-years
    • (Support staff includes engineers and technicians.)

The Panel requests that all monetary costs be stated in US$. Assistance in converting to US$ can be found here.

For "equipment costs", include costs that were covered from all funding sources: Lab funds, university funds, department/group base grant, and Linear Collider R&D grants.

For all personel categories, include effort paid by all sources, including unpaid student help.

Filling in the chart requires that you fill in the appropriate values between the bars, "|". It is not necessary to keep the bars nicely lined-up. Rows for the years 2004 and 2005 are provided.
  • If you had no funding, of any kind, leave it blank.
  • If you had funding in a previous year, create a new row for that year.
  • If your funding is pending for the year 2006, enter "pending" under "equipment".

An example of the correct format follows.
| *year* | *equipment* | *Academic Staff* | *Students* | *Support Staff* |
|        | *(US$)*     | *(years)*        | *(years)*  | *(years)*       |
| 2004   |             |                  |            |                 |
| 2005   | 55K         |  1.0             | 0.2        | 1.0             |
| 2006   | pending     |                  |            |                 |

  • When you have completed the funding chart, click "save" on the lower grey bar.