Topic AddPresentations .
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Revision r4 - 29 Dec 2005 - 12:03:18 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome > Instructions
Work to be done by the project Contact
(Typing these instructions is harder than the actual tasks described.)
Add links to some recent presentations to your project page
You must, first, upload the presentations into the web site system.
- Have your files ready in a convenient location, in PDF format.
- Navigate to your project page.
- On the bottom grey bar of the project page, click ÂattachÂ. This will open the attachment environment.
- Click ÂBrowse  to open a dialog box used to locate one of your files.
- Locate the file.
- Click Âopen in the dialog box.
- Type a comment in the "comment" window. Note: this comment wil be used for reference only when viewing your list of accumulated attachments in the future. This comment is not used on the project page.
- Link:[ ], (Do not check this box).
- Hide file:[x], (Yes, check this box. But, if you don't, we can fix it.)
- Note the name of the file (without directory). This is how it is named in the system and you will need to enter this name into the project page.
- Click "upload file" on the lower grey bar.
After downloading the file, edit the project page.
- Navigate to your project page.
- Click "edit" on the lower grey bar to open the project page in the edit environment.
- Locate the "recent presentations/publications" line.
- Replace the character string "_title _" with a short description of the presentation or publication.
- For example, "presentation at Victoria"
- Or NIMA 56 345
- Replace the character string "_date _" with the date of the presentation or publication.
- For example, "23-July-2004"
- Replace the character string "_presentation1.pdf _" with your uploaded file name.
- For example, ray_frey_ecal.pdf
- An example of a correctly formatted line follows.
* presentation at Victoria, 23-July-2004: [[%ATTACHURL%/ray_frey_ecal.pdf][(pdf)]]
- Other presentations/publications may be added on subsequent lines following this format.
- Click "save" on the lower grey bar.
Topic AddPresentations .
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Revision r4 - 29 Dec 2005 - 12:03:18 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome > Instructions