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Project: Particle-Flow Algorithms and Related Simulation Software

Contact: Dhiman Chakraborty ( Northern Illinois University, USA) mail

System: Calorimetry

Assisting Panel Member: Ray Frey

Participating Institutions: - (participating individuals)
  • Northern Illinois University
  • SLAC
  • ANL

Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD, LDC

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publicity graphics
ttbar-350gev-sideview-HCAL-SDNPHOct04.jpg digisim-cdcaug05 np-20gevPions.jpg pfa.jpg
A ttbar event at threshold simulated with LCDG4 (SD) Cell energy distribution profile with (green) and without (magenta) DigiSim E_measured/E_true in ZZ->4j events with (right) and without (left) PFA

Research Statement
