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50 recent changes in ILC/WWS Web retrieved at 12:33 (Local)

TrkBerkeleyVlsiTpc %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:33 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: VLSI Readout for the TPC Contact: Marco Batt... TrkFranceMicromegas %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:31 - r5 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: web page, statement, funding) Project: Cosmic ray tests of a large Micromegas TPC in a 2T magnetic field Contact: Paul Colas (CEA/DAP... TrackCornellTPC %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:30 - r26 DanPeterson Project: Direct comparison of Micro Pattern Gas Detector Readouts Panel's contact on the project : Daniel Peterson (Cornell University, USA) mailto:dpp@lepp... TrackCornellSim %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:29 - r3 DanPeterson Project: TPC signal digitization simulation and reconstruction studies Contact: Dan Peterson ( Cornell University , USA ) mail ... TrkKekCdc %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:29 - r10 DanPeterson Project: Linear Collider Gaseous Tracker R D in Asia Contact: Akira Sugiyama (Saga Univiversity, Japan) mailto:sugiyama@cc.saga mail System: Tr... TrkKekCdcCollaborators %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:27 - r3 DanPeterson "Linear Collider Gaseous Tracker R D" KEK, Japan * Fujii, Keisuke, * Kobayashi, Makoto, * Matsuda, Take... TrkCarletonTPC %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:24 - r10 DanPeterson Project: TPC Resolution studies using the concept of charge dispersion in MPGDs with a resistive anode Contact: Alain Bellerive (Carleton University, Canada) ... TrackSiLCcollab %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:21 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, statement, funding) Project: SiLC: Collaborative Projects Contact: Aurore Savoy Navarro ... TrackPurdueSilicon %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:19 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page) Project: Development of thin silicon sensors for tracking Contact: Daniela Bortoletto (Purdue University... TrkParisSiLC %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:18 - r8 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Large area Silicon microstrip trackers: Mechani... TrackMichiganAlign %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:17 - r27 DanPeterson Project: Linear Collider Tracker Alignment System R D Contact: Keith Riles (University of Michigan) mail System: Tracking Assisting Pa... TrackKoreaStrip %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:16 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Development of the silicon microstrip sensors f... TrkKansasCalAssist %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:14 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: statement, funding) Project: Calorimetry assisted tracking and reconstruction of long lived particles Contact: Eckhard von Toerne (K... TrkCharlesPragueSiLC %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:13 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Silicon tracking for the ILC Contact: Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University i... TrkCantabriaAlignSiLC %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:12 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: presentation, funding) Project: R D for the alignment of the Silicon LC tracker Contact: Iv n Vila (Instituto de Física de Cantabri... TrackUCSCLong %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:11 - r9 DanPeterson Project: R D Towards a Long Shaping Time Silicon Strip Central Tracker Contact: Bruce Schumm (University of California, Santa Cruz) mailto:schumm@scipp.ucsc... TrackBrownSim %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:10 - r3 DanPeterson Project: Simulation Studies for a Silicon Tracker Contact: Richard Partridge (Brown University, USA) mail System: Tracking A... VtxOregonYalePixel %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:27 - r9 DanPeterson Project: Vertex detector R D for Future High Energy Linear e e Colliders Contact: Jim Brau (University of Oregon, USA) ma... VtxBerkeleyPixel %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:26 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Si Pixel R D for the ILC Contact: Marco Batt... VtxKekSugimoto %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:25 - r10 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, presentation) Project: CCD Vertex Detector Contact: Yasuhiro Sugimoto (KEK, Japan) yasuhiro.sugimoto(at) ... VtxIReSCmos %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:23 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: CMOS Pixel Vertex Detectors Contact: Marc Wint... VtxHawaiiSampling %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:22 - r4 DanPeterson (incomplete: collaborators) Project: Pixel level sampling CMOS Vertex Detectors for ILC Contact: Gary Varner ( University of Hawaii , USA ) mailto:varner... VtxAghSoi %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:22 - r15 DanPeterson Project: SOI based vertex detector Contact: Halina Niemiec (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) mail System: Vertexi... VtxLCFI %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:21 - r10 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: funding) Project: LCFI Collaboration Contact: Joel Goldstein (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK) mail ... VtxMpiMunichDEPFET %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:18 - r15 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: funding) Project: DEPFET pixel based vertex detector Contact: Ladislav Andricek (MPI Munich, Halbleiterlabor) mailto:lca@hll.mpg.d... LepWayneBeamstrahlung %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:17 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Visible and microwave beamstrahlung at the ILC Contact: ... LepOregonExtract %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:16 - r5 DanPeterson Project: Extraction Line Energy Spectrometer Contact: Eric Torrence ( University of Oregon , USA ) mail System: LEP Ass... LepNotreDameBPM %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:15 - r5 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: A Demonstration of the Electronic and Mechanica... LepIowaStLum %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:14 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Fast, Radiation Hard Gas Cerenkov Beam and Luminosity Monitor Contact: John... LepUIowaLuminosity %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:12 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Luminosity monitor (at IPBI) Contact: Yasar ... LepUIowaPolarimetry %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:10 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Polarimetry at LC (Compton Polarimeter (at IPB... LepCERNLum %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:08 - r8 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, presentation, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies Contact: Dan... AdminiPractice1 %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:04 - r7 DanPeterson Project Links: Calorimetry (ECAL, HCAL, forward) Individual Projects $ LBNL, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Davis: (incompl... AddPublicityGraphics %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:04 - r7 DanPeterson Work to be done by the project Contact Add publicity graphics to your project page You must, first, upload the graphics files into the web site system. * Ha... AddPresentations %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:03 - r4 DanPeterson Work to be done by the project Contact (Typing these instructions is harder than the actual tasks described.) Add links to some recent presentations to your pr... CreateProjectPage %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 12:00 - r13 DanPeterson Work to be done by the web page administrator Create the new project page. You will need to remember the UniqueRoot used to create the link on the system page. ... ProjectTemplateBackup %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:56 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, participating individuals, statement, funding) Project: project name Contact: contact na... CreateLinkOnTopicPage %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:55 - r6 DanPeterson Work to be done by the web page administrator Create the link on the topic page. Note: the link will require the following information. * project name, * ... AddFundingChart %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:52 - r8 DanPeterson Work to be done by the project Contact Add the requested information to the funding chart Note: access to your funding information is restricted to the WWSOC, ... AddResearchStatement %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:51 - r8 DanPeterson Work to be done by the project Contact Add or change your research statement * Navigate to your project page. * Locate the words "Research Statement" on the... AddCollaborators %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:51 - r9 DanPeterson Work to be done by the project Contact Enter or change your list of collaborators * navigate to your project page. * Select “collaborators” (or "Collabora... PanelMembers %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:50 - r2 DanPeterson Panel Members * Europe * Chris Damerell (Rutherford Lab.,UK)(chair) mail * Jean Claude Brient (Ecole Polytechnique, ... PanelCharge %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:50 - r6 DanPeterson Charge for WWS LC Detector R D Panel, 13 January 2005 1. Create and maintain a register of ongoing R D programs relevant for LC experiments, which should ... SolenoidProjects %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:49 - r2 DanPeterson Project Links: Solenoid $ Fermilab, CERN: (incomplete) Design of a 5T Solenoid DaqProjects %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:49 - r7 DanPeterson Project Links: Data Aquisition Systems no entries PidProjects %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:49 - r6 DanPeterson Project Links: Particle ID no entries MuonProjects %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:48 - r13 DanPeterson Project Links: Muon System $ Colorado State U., Fermilab, Indiana U., Northern Ilinois. U., Rice U., UC Davis, U. Notre Dame U. Texas Austin, Wayne State U.: S... LepProjects %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 11:47 - r21 DanPeterson Project Links: Luminosity, Energy, and Polarization $ CERN: (incomplete) Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies $ Fermilab, SLAC, University of Washing... TrkCarletonTPCCollaborators %LOCKED% 28 Dec 2005 - 22:13 - r7 DanPeterson "TPC Resolution studies with charge dispersion in MPGDs with a resistive anode" Carleton University and TRIUMF, Canada * Madhu Dixit mailto:msd@physics.carl... VtxFnalMech %LOCKED% 28 Dec 2005 - 21:32 - r2 DanPeterson Project: Vertex Detector Mechanical Support Contact: Bill Cooper ( FNAL , USA ) mail System: Vertexing Assisting Panel Member: Harry...

: 50
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