Mini-Workshop on the CesrTA Electron Cloud R&D Program for Linear Collider Damping Rings
June 25 and 26, 2009
Cornell University
The CTA09 mini-workshop will focus on the CesrTA experimental program which is currently underway at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring.
The workshop will be hosted by Cornell University's
Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics and will
be held at Cornell's
ILR Conference Center.
The principal goal of this meeting is to review and refine the plans for the CesrTA R&D program over the course of the next year
during which approximately 130 dedicated machine days will be available for experiments. Individual sessions will focus on electron
cloud build-up and mitigation studies, low emittance tuning, low emittance instrumentation, and electron cloud beam dynamics studies at
low emittance. A final session will be devoted to looking at how the results obtained by mid-2010 are to be incorporated into ILC
damping rings design.
There will be no registration fee for this workshop. On the evening of June 25th we will have a
dinner cruise
on Cayuga Lake for which there will be a $38 fee. For those who stay through Saturday June 27th, there will be a
Physics Open House held during the afternoon at
Wilson Laboratory. This is one of our major outreach events of the year and all are welcome to join us.
Organizing Committee:
- D. Bougie
- G. Dugan
- M. Palmer
- M. Roman
- D. Rubin
- M. Wesley