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(incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, presentation, funding)

Project: R&D for the TESLA-Detector: Instrumentation of the very forward region

Contact: Wolfgang Lohmann (DESY-Zeuthen, Germany) mail

System: Calorimetry

Assisting Panel Member: Jean-Claude Brient

Participating Institutions: - (participating individuals)
  • DESY-Zeuthen

Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD, LDC, and/or GLD ?

web page:

recent presentations/publications:

publicity graphics
FCAL.jpg shower.jpg
The two Forward Calorimeters BeamCal and LumiCal The energy density of beamstrahlung remnants per bunch crossing at the front face of the BeamCal A fully simulated shower of a 250 GeV electron in LumiCal

Research Statement
