Project: Development of a silicon-tungsten test module for an electromagnetic calorimeter
Contact: Raymond Frey (University of Oregon, USA) mail
System: Calorimetry
Assisting Panel Member: Chris Damerell
Particiating Institutions -
(participating individuals)
- University of Oregon
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- University of California, Davis
Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD, LDC
web page:
recent presentations/publications:
- Marty Breidenbach's talk at LCWS05: (pdf)
- David Strom's talk at LCWS05: (pdf)
publicity graphics
An event picture grabbed from Ray's Victoria talk. |
A picture of some silicon grabbed from Ray's Victoria talk. |
Research Statement
This topic: ILC/WWS
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Topic revision:
29 Dec 2005, DanPeterson
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