Work to be done by the web page administrator

Create the new project page.

  • Enter the UniqueRoot; press "create".

Here is the restricted access project template.

Edit the new project page.

At this point, much of the information can be inserted by the asisting panel member or the web page administrator. This will make it easier for the contact to insert the more detailed information.

   *Contact:* Raymond Frey (University of Oregon, USA) [[ mail]]

   Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup,Main.BobContact

Initiate the "collaborators" page

To establish the format, we will initiate the collaborators page with the entry of the name of the Contact.

An example of the format follows. (Do not include the quotes.)
   "   * Raymond Frey (University of Oregon)"
   ( this is "space space space asterick space Ray...")

An example of the correct format follows.
   Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup,Main.BobContact

Initiate the "Research Statement" page

We will initiate the Research Statement page and insert the instructions.

An example of the correct format follows.
   Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup,Main.BobContact

Initiate the "Funding" page

We will initiate the Research Statement page and insert the instructions.

An example of the correct format follows.
   Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup,Main.BobContact
   Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = ilc, ilc, Main.BobContact

Create a web site registration for the "Contact" with starting password.

This topic: ILC/WWS > WebHome > Instructions > CreateProjectPage
Topic revision: 29 Dec 2005, DanPeterson
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