The physics program of the ILC demands a precise knowledge of the
center-of-mass collision scale. One ingredient to achieve this is
a real-time absolute measurement of the colliding beam energies
at the 100 ppm level of precision and accuracy. This project is
intended to design and demonstrate the feasibility of an energy
spectrometer in the ILC extraction line which can achieve this
goal. This work is equally applicable to all detector concepts,
and is actively working on designs for all foreseen IR designs.
This work is primarily being done at the University of Oregon
by Eric Torrence, although close collaboration has also been
ongoing with SLAC related to detector tests in End Station A.
This work has been proceeding on two fronts. First, simulation
work at Oregon has been ongoing to understand the operational
parameters and environment in the extraction line. A realistic
beamline simulation based on BDSIM is currently under development.
Second, work on detector development has been ongoing for several
years using Cherenkov radiation in Quartz fibers to detect secondary
electrons from the hard syncrotron radiation produced in the
spectrometer magnets. A first prototype has already been built
at SLAC and will see its first beam time at SLAC in Fall 2005.
Over the coming year, we intend to finish first studies of the
extraction line environment with a complete Geant4 simulation
of the beamline and XLS detectors. We also will take first
data with the prototype device and validate the Geant4
prediction of the expected signal rate.
On a longer term timescale, we expect to build a full-blown
prototype spectrometer in coordination with the upstream
BPM-style device in SLAC ESA. The timing of this project depends
upon funds available and the results of the first round of
beam tests. A second prototype detector which would be
suitable for this test is currently in the design phase.
Please address the following questions in your statement.
- What are the goals of this R&D project. How does this R&D project address the needs of one or more of the detector concepts?
- If there are multiple institutions participating in this project, please describe the distribution of responsibilities.
- Are there significant recent results?
- What are the plans for the near future(about 1 year)? What are the plans on a time scale of 2 to 3 years?
- Are there critical items that must be addressed before significant results can be obtained from this project?
- Is the support for this project sufficient? Are there significant improvements that could be made with additional support?
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Topic revision:
02 Nov 2005, DanPeterson

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