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Project: Performance studies in magnetic fields

Contact: Dean Karlen (University of Victoria and TRIUMF, Canada) mail

System: Tracking

Assisting Panel Member: Dan Peterson

Participating Institutions: - (participating individuals)
  • University of Victoria

Detector Concept Affiliation: LDC and GLD

This project is affiliated with the LC-TPC collaboration.

web page:

recent presentations/publications:
  • Study of GEM-TPC Performance in Magnetic Fields, Stanford, March 21, 2005: (pdf)
  • Study of GEM-TPC Performance in Magnetic Fields, Stanford, March 21, 2005: (proceedings pdf)
  • TPC Performance in Magnetic Fields with GEM and Pad Readout, NIM A555:80-92,2005, physics/0509051: (preprint - pdf)

publicity graphics

tpc.jpg laser.jpg laserholder.jpg event.jpg datares.jpg twotrack.jpg
Victoria TPC prototype UV laser system UV laser delivery for DESY magnet event display single row resolution for cosmics (mm) two track resolution for laser events

Research Statement
