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Minutes for June 2, 2006

  • Mike Watkins: I now have a fitting code, written in C, which fits 125k turns of single bunch BSM data in about 10 minutes on CESR68.
  • Discussion on storage of measurement data (i.e. not yet analyzed): On INSTR there are several 10s of GB of storage available, but from CESR29 one has only access to a 2 GB partition. This partition will serve as a mailbox, from where data will be moved to the larger storage. Devin will add a link to INSTR such as to make it directly accessible from Windows.
  • Discussion on storage of analyzed data: We need to be able to upload GIFs and the like to a TWIKI page that has a day type organization. This will need to be done such that from the control system one can link to these GIFs. Furthermore, Devin will look into a nicer way of uploading of files to the TWIKI page than the standard one. There will also be topical machine study pages on the TWIKI.
  • Access to TWIKI from the control system: Mike Watkins says that Mozilla is available for VMS. Devin will look into it.
  • Devin Bougie: We're hoping to install 2 more XTERMs next week
  • Mark Palmer: Next week Jamie should work on low level transfer routines as well as trying out a datastructure example with Hubert.
  • Hubert Schwarthoff: Fixed a bug in the CBI manager and together with Greg fixed some remaining problems with MPMnet.
  • Charlie Strohman: Have prepared a BPM module with a single analog channel for testing.
  • Eugene Tanke: Have helped cleaning up our corner of the DAQlab. Put documentation of a general purpose plotting program, WLPLOT, on the web (see this link). It runs on the control system and allows one to plot one or several columns of data as a function of another. Furthermore, have worked on a DSP program that tests for triggers (this in view of a problem we ran into during the most recent machine study).

-- EugeneTanke - 02 Jun 2006
Topic revision: r1 - 02 Jun 2006, EugeneTanke
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