Mike Watkins: I now have a fitting code, written in C, which fits 125k turns of single bunch BSM data in about 10 minutes on CESR68.
Discussion on storage of measurement data (i.e. not yet analyzed): On INSTR there are several 10s of GB of storage available, but from CESR29 one has only access to a 2 GB partition. This partition will serve as a mailbox, from where data will be moved to the larger storage. Devin will add a link to INSTR such as to make it directly accessible from Windows.
Discussion on storage of analyzed data: We need to be able to upload GIFs and the like to a TWIKI page that has a day type organization. This will need to be done such that from the control system one can link to these GIFs. Furthermore, Devin will look into a nicer way of uploading of files to the TWIKI page than the standard one. There will also be topical machine study pages on the TWIKI.
Access to TWIKI from the control system: Mike Watkins says that Mozilla is available for VMS. Devin will look into it.
Devin Bougie: We're hoping to install 2 more XTERMs next week
Mark Palmer: Next week Jamie should work on low level transfer routines as well as trying out a datastructure example with Hubert.
Hubert Schwarthoff: Fixed a bug in the CBI manager and together with Greg fixed some remaining problems with MPMnet.
Charlie Strohman: Have prepared a BPM module with a single analog channel for testing.
Eugene Tanke: Have helped cleaning up our corner of the DAQlab. Put documentation of a general purpose plotting program, WLPLOT, on the web (see this link). It runs on the control system and allows one to plot one or several columns of data as a function of another. Furthermore, have worked on a DSP program that tests for triggers (this in view of a problem we ran into during the most recent machine study).