The datafiles are the payload of the CBPM II system and through their analysis it is intended that phenomena in the accelerator may be identified and characterized.

The datafile structure is determined by the program requesting data from the remote BPM/BSM/FLM units. At present, the only relatively full-featured program capable of requesing data en masse and logging to an appropriate file is called BPM_V1.EXE. Details on this program's use and its location can be found in the software section.

BPM Data Files as produced by the BPM_V1 (Fortran) program on the Control System

  • Timing Scan -- [ bpm_tim_xxxxx.dat ]:

time step____channel____Averaged bunch (ADC?) values from bunches selected in GUI (e-) (e+) (e-)...
  0.           0.       (1st e- bunch)    (1st e+ bunch)    (2nd e- bunch)   ...
  0.           1.       (1st e- bunch)    (1st e+ bunch)    (2nd e- bunch)   ...
  0.           2.       (1st e- bunch)    (1st e+ bunch)    (2nd e- bunch)   ...
 25.           0.       (1st e- bunch)    (1st e+ bunch)    (2nd e- bunch)   ...
 25.           1.       (1st e- bunch)    (1st e+ bunch)    (2nd e- bunch)   ...
 25.           2.       (1st e- bunch)    (1st e+ bunch)    (2nd e- bunch)   ...

  • Raw Data Collection
Topic revision: r5 - 06 Jun 2008, MattRendina
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