Schedule for the CESR Bunch-by-Bunch Instrumentation DAQ Project
This page gives a very rough overview of the project schedule and timeline.
Status: 5 Apr 2005
April 8: Tentatively define the DAQ hierarchy that we want to implement. Assign coordinator(s) for each segment of the DAQ hierarchy. Identify "contributors" for each segment.
April 11-15: Introduce coordinators to the coding environment.
April 18-29: Develop and test basic implementation examples.
April 29: Review trial implementations and interface issues.
May 2-6: Document interfaces and all required code elements to complete implementations. Review and distribute on May 6.
May 9-Jun 11: Develop and test prototype DAQ implementations.
June 13-24: Prototype system-level testing during machine studies after summer down.
August 8-12: Final system testing during CESR-c/CLEO-c transition machine studies.