You are here: CLASSE Wiki>CHESS/Operations Web>ID2A>MotorNames (27 Sep 2023, ChrisPollock)Edit Attach

Motor Names

New as of fall 2023: motor_help and motor_info macros developed by Kieth which can print useful information about a motor without having to dive into config. Usage is "motor_help mne" e.g. "motor_help davesz".

Undulator: und

White beam slits: caveN, caveS, caveT, caveB

Monochromator: mono, monp, vert, hor, pit, roll

Upstream ADC slits: usln, usls, uslt, uslb

Fast shutter: opens, closes

VFM motors: vmzu, vmzd, vmbend

HFM motors: hmxu, hmxd

HFM macros: hmheigh, hmpitch, hmcurv, hmelips

Downstream ADC slits: dsln, dsls, dslt, dslb, dslx, dslz

JJ Slits: JJhA, JJvA, JJhT, JJvT, JJx, JJz

Vortex sample: sampleX, sampleZ

Vortex position: vortexx

DAVES sample: davesx, davesy, davesz

DAVES position: xesux, xesuz, xesdx, xesdz

DAVES upstream arms: xesuana, xesudet

DAVES upstream crystals: up1x, up1y, up1rot, up1v, up1h, etc for xtals 1 - 5

DAVES downstream arms: xesdana, xesddet

DAVES downstream crystals: dn1x, dn1y, dn1rot, dn1v, dn1h, etc for xtals 1 - 5

-- ChrisPollock - 14 Jul 2023
Topic revision: r3 - 27 Sep 2023, ChrisPollock
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