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CLEO Officers 2011/2012

Title Name Institution E-mail Address
Spokesperson: Jim Alexander Cornell cleospoke-lepp cornell edu
Analysis Coordinator: David Cassel Cornell cleoac-lepp cornell edu
Software Coordinator: David Kreinick Cornell cleosoft-lepp cornell edu

CLEO Officers 2010/2011

Title Name Institution E-mail Address
Spokesperson: David Kreinick Cornell cleospoke-lepp cornell edu
Analysis Coordinator: David Cassel Cornell cleoac-lepp cornell edu
Software Coordinator: David Kreinick Cornell cleosoft-lepp cornell edu

CLEO Officers 2009/2010

Title Name Institution E-mail Address
Spokesperson: David Asner Carleton cleospoke-lepp cornell edu
Analysis Coordinator: David Cassel Cornell cleoac-lepp cornell edu
Software Coordinator: David Kreinick Cornell cleosoft-lepp cornell edu

CLEO Officers 2008/2009

Title Name Institution E-mail Address
Spokesperson: David Asner Carleton asner physics carleton ca
Analysis Coordinator: David Cassel Cornell cleoac-lepp cornell edu
Software Coordinator: Surik Mehrabyan Illinois souren illinois edu

In the following, add mail <dot> lepp <dot> cornell <dot> edu to the address in the last column to send a message.

CLEO Officers 2007/2008

Title Name Institution Username
Spokespersons: Sheldon Stone Syracuse sls
  David Asner Carleton asner
Analysis Coordinator: Matthew Shepherd Indiana cleoac
Run Management: Ji Li Syracuse jili
  Ryan Mitchell Indiana remitche
Software Coordinator: Pete Zweber Minnesota petez

CLEO Officers 2006/2007

Title Name Institution Username
Spokespersons: Ed Thorndike Rochester eht
  Roy Briere CMU briere
Analysis Coordinator: Hanna Mahlke Cornell cleoac
Run Management: Ji Li Syracuse jili
  Steve Gray Cornell swg
Software Coordinator: Istvan Danko RPI idanko

CLEO Officers 2005/2006

Title Name Institution Username
Spokespersons: Ed Thorndike Rochester eht
  Roy Briere CMU briere
Analysis Coordinator: Hanna Mahlke Cornell cleoac
Run Management: Basit Athar Florida bsa
  Steve Gray Cornell swg
Software Coordinator: Istvan Danko RPI idanko

-- Main.asner - 19 Jun 2007
Topic revision: r4 - 08 Oct 2012, dgc
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