CLEOns at Work
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Note: Many of the links on this page are password restricted.
Symposium Celebrating CLEO and CESR, May 31, 2008.
(Presentations available on Agenda page)
CLEO After March 2012
  We have learned that some recent papers based on CLEO data, but not authored by the CLEO Collaboration, have led to some confusion.  This note is to clarify CLEO's publication policy following the cessation of normal collaboration activities in March 2012.
 There are a small number of CLEO analyses which were not finished by March 2012, but which will still go through the CLEO paper review process and will be published with "CLEO Collaboration" in the author list.
  All former CLEO members have access to the CLEO data and are free to utilize CLEO data and software to publish results on their own authority.  Such papers do not go through the rigorous CLEO paper review process and are NOT papers from the CLEO Collaboration.  They can be recognized by:
- the abbreviated author list,
- the lack of "CLEO Collaboration" in the author list, and
- the Acknowledgements.
Since the data as well as the reconstruction and simulation software were produced by Collaboration effort, all Collaboration members as of March 2012 have the option of joining the author list of these papers.Â
Such papers should be credited to the listed authors only, not to the CLEO Collaboration, and should not be labeled as CLEO results in equations, tables, figures, or text.
The CLEO Collaboration:
Collaboration Meetings:
1996 -
1997 -
1998 -
1999 -
2000 -
2001 -
2002 -
2003 -
2004 -
2005 -
2006 -
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -
2012 -
LEPP Budget Categories
Physics, Publications, Internal Analysis Review
Public CLEO results including links to preprints and conference presentations
Publications list in LaTeX:
TeX source
CLEOAC help page
PTAs and working groups:
Bottomonium |
Charmonium |
Hadronic Open Charm Decays |
(Semi-)Leptonic Decays |
Dalitz |
CKM γ |
DTag | Tracking
Analysis review in Hypernews
CLEO talks at upcoming conferences
Writing a CLEO paper
Internal documents:
Paper drafts -
Document Database (
The path to CLEO-c:
Public documents -
Meetings and minutes
Software, Computing
Technical information about analyzing data or Monte Carlo:
Summary of CLEO III/c Datasets
Hints for CLEO III/c analysis
Software documentation -
old software page -
Search page
Software documentation -
Libraries (clib) -
Buzzword index
LEPP Computing Group
Submit a request or report a problem to the LNS Computer Group
or send mail to 'service'.
Software (CSN) notes
HyperNews for CLEO
Document Database Documentation
Data Taking, Detector
- View past CLEO shutdowns in the CLEOcam archives
The inside of CLEO/CESR:
Tour guide information
Other Links
LEPP Drafting Services, including
Publications Office Figures and
LNS Drafting DWF drawings.
Older resources:
LNS gallery.
CLEO Lunch Talks
Lunch Talks from 2004 and Earlier
Web servers for
Cornell Physics Department -
Cornell University -
High-energy experimental physics seminar:
Journal Club
mailing lists
Please note that many CLEO mailing lists have been replaced by
Hypernews fora.
Video Conferencing