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Results from Computing web retrieved at 19:31 (Local)

Linux Home Disk Please see DataStewardship for general storage recommendations at CLASSE. How to Access Operating System Path to User Disk Linux /home...
Linux at CLASSE Please see Linux Introduction for a brief introduction for newcomers to Linux. See CLASSE Linux Overview for a presentation on Linux at CLASSE. I...
64 bit Computing This page contains notes on running on a 64 bit OS. For notes specific to Scientific Linux 5 (not just 64 bit SL5), please see ScientificLinux5....
Multiple Sessions Several Linux applications are really only meant to have one session running at a time. Graphical Window Managers Both KDE and Gnome suffer f...
New UNIX Home Disk Gentle /home disk user. Almost a year ago, the server for our /home disk failed. As an emergency measure, we rushed lnx156 into service. The ...
February 16th, 2015 Today's topics: CLASSE Managed Flash Update on Windows We are again updating flash tonight for CLASSE managed Windows computers. CLASSE Conf...
June 22, 2015 Today's topics: Firefox Graphics Hardware Acceleration * New releases of Firefox enable graphics hardware acceleration. If you experience slown...
USER INFORMATION %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% Platform...
Number of topics: 8
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