Printing from Mac OS X

This page contains instructions for printing from Mac OS X. Printing from a Macintosh is the same whether you are using a desktop machine on our Public subnet or a laptop on our Protected subnet. If your laptop is on RedRover, see the CLASSE VPN section below. If you are certain you have up-to-date PPDs, skip ahead to Adding your printer


If your computer is connected to RedRover, eduroam or any other non-CLASSE network, you must first connect to the CLASSE VPN.

Adding your printer

  1. Select the 4th item down in the black Apple menu in the upper left of your screen to launch System Preferences
  2. Click on the Print & Scan (10.7.x and later) or Print & Fax (10.6.x and earlier)
  3. Click on the + in the lower left
  4. The add printer window will on the IPicon (3rd icon from left)
    • for Address: Enter for LPR Printer's Address.
    • for Protocol: make sure Line Printer Daemon - LPD is selected (not "Internet Printing Protocol - IPP," etc.)
    • for Queue: Enter the Printer name for the printer you would like installed. Please refer to our PrinterList for the correct name.
    • for Name: Enter the same Queue name that you entered above
    • for Location: Enter the room location of the printer, e.g. W229
    • for Use: Select Generic PostScript Printer (preferred)

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PrinterBrowser.jpgjpg PrinterBrowser.jpg manage 56 K 22 Mar 2006 - 16:17 UnknownUser  
macx_print2.jpgjpg macx_print2.jpg manage 18 K 01 Jul 2005 - 13:45 UnknownUser  
max_x_print.jpgjpg max_x_print.jpg manage 28 K 01 Jul 2005 - 13:45 UnknownUser  
This topic: Computing > WebHome > PrintingFromMacOSX
Topic revision: 31 May 2022, WernerSun
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