Damping Ring Magnet and Power Supply System for the ILC TDR
Starting Documentation Based on the DTC Lattice
- DTC Magnets Spreadsheet
- First version has updates for dipoles, quads and sextupoles - ALL NUMBERS NEED TO BE DOUBLE-CHECKED!
- For reference, the OCS6 version of this lattice (RDR design) is available here.
- DTC01 Lattice documentation
- Starting point for magnet design exercise is DTC01
- Further updates to the lattice are available:
- Significant magnet changes from these updates are not expected, but will be incorporated into the magnet and power supply planning as necessary
- DTC02 Lattice Information
- July 2011 Technical Baseline Review Slides (M. Palmer)
- Some visualizations (concept only for now):
This topic: ILC/DampingRings
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TechnicalDesignReport > TDRMagPow
Topic revision:
16 Feb 2012, MarkPalmer
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