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Upload Page for the Monday, August 7, 2006 ILC R&D Meeting

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Click Attach and then do the following:
  1. Browse or enter the file name that you want to upload
  2. Enter a comment describing the file in the comment box. Please include your name.
  3. Check the Link check box
  4. Please do not check the Hide check box

Typically it will be easiest if you upload entire presentations as opposed to individual plots. The safest format is pdf although any file types can, in principal, be uploaded.

Uploaded Presentations

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20060807-dynamic_aperture.pdfpdf 20060807-dynamic_aperture.pdf manage 228 K 07 Aug 2006 - 10:14 MichaelEhrlichman Dynamic Aperture - Jim Shanks
ehrlichman-aug0706.pdfpdf ehrlichman-aug0706.pdf manage 57 K 07 Aug 2006 - 17:20 MichaelEhrlichman Effect of changing integer tune on equib. emittance and RF *UPDATED*