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Project: R&D Towards a Long Shaping-Time Silicon Strip Central Tracker

Contact: Bruce Schumm (University of California, Santa Cruz) mail

System: Tracking

Assisting Panel Member: Dan Peterson

Participating Institutions: - (participating individuals)
  • University of California, Santa Cruz

Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD

This project is affiliated with the SiLC collaboration.

web page:

recent presentations/publications:
  • proceedings for presentation at Snowmass, 14-August-2005: (pdf)
  • presentation at Victoria, 28-July-2004: (pdf)

publicity graphics
fig1 res.jpg fig2 LSTFE resp.jpg fig3 data rate.jpg
Simulated resolution for a 167cm ladder, as a function of the setting of the lower comparator threshold Response of the LSTFE2 analog amplification chain to an input calibration step, with 1 MIP approximately 3.5 mV. Expected data rate per 128 channel readout chip, as a function of the setting of the lower comparator threshold, for the innermost layer of the SiD tracker.

Research Statement
