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50 recent changes in ILC/WWS Web retrieved at 10:15 (Local)

TrackSlacModules %LOCKED% 29 Nov 2005 - 20:47 - r2 DanPeterson Project: Development of Silicon Microstrip Sensor Modules Contact: Tim Nelson ( SLAC, USA ) mail System: Tracking sili... TrkColoradoReconStatement %LOCKED% 29 Nov 2005 - 20:30 - NEW DanPeterson "Continuation of Reconstruction Studies for the SiD Barrel Outer Tracker" Current efforts involve implementing a Kalman filter fitting algorithm for the SiD simu... TrackSlacModulesCollaborators %LOCKED% 29 Nov 2005 - 20:29 - r2 TimNelson "Development of Silicon Microstrip Sensor Modules" SLAC, USA * Tim Nelson mail * John Jaros mailto:john@slac.stanfo... TrkColoradoRecon %LOCKED% 29 Nov 2005 - 20:28 - NEW DanPeterson (incomplete: participating individuals) Project: Continuation of Reconstruction Studies for the SiD Barrel Outer Tracker Contact: Steve Wagner ( University... CalNIUpfa %LOCKED% 29 Nov 2005 - 13:51 - r8 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: presentation, participating individuals) Project: Particle Flow Algorithms and Related Simulation Software Contact: Dhiman Chakrabort... ProjectsTemplate %LOCKED% 29 Nov 2005 - 12:02 - r17 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, participating individuals, statement, funding) Project: project name Contact: contact na... Instructions %LOCKED% 27 Nov 2005 - 22:52 - r21 DanPeterson INSTRUCTIONS Multi step instructions to add a new R D project to the register, for project leaders Instructions for updating existing R D Project pages, for ... CalKansasEcalPartFlowCollaborators %LOCKED% 25 Nov 2005 - 16:48 - r3 GrahamWilson "Investigation of ECAL Concepts Designed for Particle Flow" University of Kansas, USA * Graham W. Wilson mail * Carsten Hensel ... MuonWayneScintCollaborators %LOCKED% 23 Nov 2005 - 11:28 - r5 PaulKarchin Scintillator Based Muon System R D Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA * Alan Bross * Brajesh Choudhary * H. Eugene Fisk mail * ... VtxMpiMunichDEPFETStatement %LOCKED% 21 Nov 2005 - 05:55 - r6 LadislavAndricek "DEPFET vertex detector" DEPFET pixels offer the unique possibility for a high resolution pixel vertex detector as the innermost component of the tracking syste... VtxFnalSoiStatement %LOCKED% 18 Nov 2005 - 12:53 - NEW DanPeterson "SOI and 3D Detector Geometries" * What are the goals of this R D project. How does this R D project address the needs of one or more of the detector concepts? T... VtxFnalSoiCollaborators %LOCKED% 18 Nov 2005 - 12:49 - NEW DanPeterson "SOI and 3D Detector Geometries" Fermilab, USA * Ronald Lipton mail Purdue University, USA * Daniela Bortoletto mailto:daniela... VtxFnalSoi %LOCKED% 18 Nov 2005 - 12:44 - NEW DanPeterson (incomplete: collaborators) Project: SOI and 3D Detector Geometries Contact: Ronald Lipton ( Fermilab, USA ) mail System: Vertexi... VtxHawaiiSamplingStatement %LOCKED% 12 Nov 2005 - 22:29 - NEW DanPeterson "Pixel level sampling CMOS Vertex Detectors for ILC" Our Pixel Vertex Detector R D Effort for ILC is an outgrowth of a pixel upgrade effort for the Belle detecto... VtxHawaiiSamplingCollaborators %LOCKED% 12 Nov 2005 - 22:29 - NEW DanPeterson "Pixel level sampling CMOS Vertex Detectors for ILC" University of Hawaii , USA * Gary Varner mail * Collaborator Name ... LepOregonExtractCollaborators %LOCKED% 11 Nov 2005 - 20:00 - r3 EricTorrence "Extraction Line Energy Spectrometer" University of Oregon , USA * Eric Torrence mail * Jeff Kolb mailto:jkolb@sl... TrackVictoriaTPCCollaborators %LOCKED% 09 Nov 2005 - 15:30 - r7 DeanKarlen "TPC performance studies in magnetic fields" University of Victoria TRIUMF, Canada * Dean Karlen, PI mail University of Victoria, ... TrkBerkeleyVlsiTpcCollaborators %LOCKED% 08 Nov 2005 - 20:45 - r5 DanPeterson "VLSI Readout for the TPC" Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., USA * Marco Battaglia mail TrkBerkeleyVlsiTpcStatement %LOCKED% 08 Nov 2005 - 20:45 - r4 DanPeterson "VLSI Readout for the TPC" Start typing here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs. Please address the following questions in your statement. * What ar... WebCreateNewTopic %LOCKED% 08 Nov 2005 - 01:37 - NEW TWikiContributor

TrackUCSCLongStatement %LOCKED% 06 Nov 2005 - 21:49 - r6 BruceSchumm "R D Towards a Long Shaping Time Silicon Strip Central Tracker" The goal of the long shaping time silicon sensor readout project is to develop readout and data h... CalUtaHadronStatement %LOCKED% 04 Nov 2005 - 15:32 - r6 AndyWhite "Digital Hadron Calorimetry using Gas Electron Multiplier Technology" We have been developing the implemaentation of digital hadron calorimetry for a future Line... TrackUCSCLongCollaborators %LOCKED% 03 Nov 2005 - 10:10 - r6 BruceSchumm "R D Towards a Long Shaping Time Silicon Strip Central Tracker" University of California, Santa Cruz, USA * Alex Grillo * Greg Horn * Jurgen Kroseberg ... TrackPurdueSiliconStatement %LOCKED% 02 Nov 2005 - 23:57 - r6 DanPeterson "Development of thin silicon sensors for tracking " This project aims at establishing the feasibility of using thin silicon sensors for tracking at the ILC. Our R... TrackLouisianaTechGEMCollaborators %LOCKED% 02 Nov 2005 - 20:25 - NEW DanPeterson "Development of GEM based Forward Tracking Prototypes for the ILC" Louisiana Tech University , USA * Lee Sawyer mail * Co... LepOregonExtractStatement %LOCKED% 02 Nov 2005 - 20:10 - NEW DanPeterson "Extraction Line Energy Spectrometer" The physics program of the ILC demands a precise knowledge of the center of mass collision scale. One ingredient to achiev... CalPadovaEcalCollaborators %LOCKED% 27 Oct 2005 - 11:49 - r3 PaoloChecchia "LCcal (Electromagnetic calorimeter with hybrid technique: scintillator si pads.)" INFN Frascati , Italy * Stefano Miscetti mailto:Stefano.Miscetti@lnf.infn... VtxOregonYalePixelStatement %LOCKED% 26 Oct 2005 - 00:48 - r8 JimBrau "Vertex Detector R D for Future High Energy Linear e e Colliders" The Pixel Vertex Detector R D project of the Oregon Yale group is aimed at developing a verte... VtxOregonYalePixelCollaborators %LOCKED% 26 Oct 2005 - 00:46 - r8 JimBrau "Vertex Detector R D for Future High Energy Linear e e Colliders" University of Oregon, USA * Jim Brau mail * Ol... TrackCornellTPCCollaborators %LOCKED% 25 Oct 2005 - 11:11 - r16 DanPeterson "Direct comparison of Micro Pattern Gas Detector Readouts" Cornell University, USA * L. Fields mail * Richard S. Galik ... TrackBrownSimCollaborators %LOCKED% 23 Oct 2005 - 14:55 - r2 RichardPartridge "Simulation Studies for a Silicon Tracker" Brown University, USA * Richard Partridge mail TrackBrownSimStatement %LOCKED% 22 Oct 2005 - 19:07 - NEW DanPeterson "Simulation Studies for a Silicon Tracker" The goals of this project are to help develop track reconstruction software in the org.lcsim framework and to use this... StatementTemplate %LOCKED% 22 Oct 2005 - 18:48 - r8 DanPeterson "Name of your Project" Enter text here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs. Please address the following questions in your statement. * What are the ... VtxKekSugimotoStatement %LOCKED% 20 Oct 2005 - 07:13 - r8 YasuhiroSugimoto "CCD Vertex Detector" As a candidate of the vertex detector for ILC, we propose a vertex detector based on fine pixel CCDs (FPCCD). In this idea, the hit signal ... CalDREAMCollaborators %LOCKED% 17 Oct 2005 - 12:53 - r2 RichardWigmans "DREAM" Texas Tech University, USA * Richard Wigmans mail * Nural Akchurin mail University of ... CalNIUpfaCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 17:38 - r2 DanPeterson "Particle Flow Algorithms and Related Simulation Software" Northern Illinois University, USA * Dhiman Chakraborty mail SLAC, USA ... MuonInfnRpcStatement %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 15:01 - r3 DanPeterson "CAPIRE (glass RPC)" Start typing here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs. Please address the following questions in your statement. * What are the ... MuonInfnRpcCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 15:01 - r4 DanPeterson "CAPIRE (glass RPC)" INFN Frascati, Italia * Marcello Piccolo mail TrackSiLCcollabCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:40 - r3 DanPeterson "SiLC Collaborative Projects" Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire et des Hautes Energies, Universite de Paris 6/IN2P3 CNRS, France * Aurore Savoy Navarro mail... TrackSiLCcollabStatement %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:39 - r2 DanPeterson "SiLC Collaborative Projects" Start typing here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs. Please address the following questions in your statement. * What... TrackPurdueSiliconCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:36 - r5 DanPeterson "Development of thin silicon sensors for tracking" Purdue University, USA * Daniela Bortoletto mail * Kirk Arndt ma... TrkParisSiLCStatement %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:35 - r4 DanPeterson "Large area Silicon microstrip trackers: Mechanical aspects and DSM Front End Readout Electronics" Start typing here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs.... TrkParisSiLCCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:35 - r3 DanPeterson "Large area Silicon microstrip trackers: Mechanical aspects and DSM Front End Readout Electronics" LPNHE Universite de Paris 6/IN2P3 CNRS, France * Aurore Sav... TrackMichiganAlignStatement %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:34 - r8 DanPeterson "Linear Collider Tracker Alignment System R D" * Our ultimate goal is to design and build a real time alignment system for a silicon tracker (barrel for an silic... TrackMichiganAlignCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:33 - r10 DanPeterson "Linear Collider Tracker Alignment System R D" University of Michigan, USA * Hai Jun Yang mail * Sven Nyberg mailto:snyberg@umi... TrackKoreaStripStatement %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:32 - r3 DanPeterson "Development of the silicon microstrip sensors for a tracking detector" Start typing here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs. Please address the follow... TrackKoreaStripCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:32 - r5 DanPeterson "Development of the silicon microstrip sensors for a tracking detector" Kyungpook National University, Korea * Hwanbae Park mail TrkKansasCalAssistCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:30 - r3 DanPeterson "Calorimetry assisted tracking and reconstruction of long lived particles" Kansas State University, USA; and Bonn University, Germany * Eckhard von Toerne m... TrkCharlesPragueSiLCStatement %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:28 - r2 DanPeterson "Silicon tracking for the ILC" Start typing here. Insert a blank line to separate paragraphs. Please address the following questions in your statement. * Wha... TrkCharlesPragueSiLCCollaborators %LOCKED% 14 Oct 2005 - 12:28 - r2 DanPeterson "Silicon tracking for the ILC" Charles University in Prague, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics , Czech Republic * Zdenek Dolezal mailto:Zdenek.Dolez...

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