Project: Polarimetry Design at ILC
Contact: Ken Moffeit ( SLAC , USA ) mail
System: LEP/MDI
Assisting Panel Member: Ray Frey
Participating Institutions: -
(participating individuals)
- Orsay
- Tufts University
- University of Oregon
Detector Concept Affiliation: not applicable
web page:
recent presentations/publications:
- The role of polarized positrons and electrons in revealing... , submitted Physics Reports : (pdf)
- Spin Rotation Schemes at the ILC for Two Interacion regions... , SLAC-TM-2005-02 : (pdf)
- The TESLA Compton Polarimeter , LC-DET-2001-047 : (pdf)
- Upstream Polarimetery with 4-magnet chicane , presentation Norbert Meyners, LCWS05 : (pdf)
- Polarization Setup and Polarimetry... , proceedings , LCWS05 : (pdf)
- Upstream Polarimetery Update , presentation K. Peter Schuler, LCWS05 : (pdf)
publicity graphics
Research Statement
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Topic revision:
29 Nov 2005, DanPeterson
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