Project Links: Vertexing
- RWTH Aachen, Bonn University, Mannheim University, and MPI Munich, Halbleiterlabor
- (incomplete) DEPFET vertex detector
- AGH, University degli Studi dell'Isubia, Institute of Electron Tecnology
- SOI-based vertex detector
- Univ. of Bristol, Univ. of Glasgow, Univ. of Liverpool, Univ. of Nijmegen, Univ. of Oxford, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- (incomplete) LCFI Collaboration
- Brookhaven Natl. Lab., Politecnico di Milano, INFN-Milano, SUNY-Stonybrook, Inst. de Recherches Subatomiques-Strasbourg
- (incomplete) Development of Position and Time Sensing APSs for Tracking and Vertexing at the ILC
- Fermilab
- (incomplete) Hybrid pixel detector R&D
- Fermilab, Purdue University
- (incomplete) SOI and 3D Detector Geometries
- Fermilab, SLAC, University of Washington
- Vertex Detector Mechanical Support
- U. of Hawaii, U. of Tokyo, H. Niewoniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Phys., KEK, U. of Pittsburg, Nova Gorica Polytechnic, FNAL
- (incomplete) Pixel-level sampling CMOS Vertex Detectors for ILC
- (incomplete) CMOS Pixel Vertex Detectors
- KEK, Tohoku University, Tohoku-Gakuin University
- (incomplete)CCD Vertex Detector
- LBNL, University of California at Berkeley
- (incomplete) Si Pixel R&D for the ILC
- University of Oregon, Yale University
- Pixel Vertex detector R&D for Future High Energy Linear e+e- Colliders
- SLAC, University of Oregon, Fermilab, LCFI collaboration
- (incomplete) Pixel Vertex Detector Simulation and Design Optimization
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Topic revision:
05 Jan 2006, DanPeterson
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