Project Links: Vertexing

RWTH Aachen, Bonn University, Mannheim University, and MPI Munich, Halbleiterlabor
(incomplete) DEPFET vertex detector

AGH, University degli Studi dell'Isubia, Institute of Electron Tecnology
SOI-based vertex detector

Univ. of Bristol, Univ. of Glasgow, Univ. of Liverpool, Univ. of Nijmegen, Univ. of Oxford, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
(incomplete) LCFI Collaboration

Brookhaven Natl. Lab., Politecnico di Milano, INFN-Milano, SUNY-Stonybrook, Inst. de Recherches Subatomiques-Strasbourg
(incomplete) Development of Position and Time Sensing APSs for Tracking and Vertexing at the ILC

(incomplete) Hybrid pixel detector R&D

Fermilab, Purdue University
(incomplete) SOI and 3D Detector Geometries

Fermilab, SLAC, University of Washington
Vertex Detector Mechanical Support

U. of Hawaii, U. of Tokyo, H. Niewoniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Phys., KEK, U. of Pittsburg, Nova Gorica Polytechnic, FNAL
(incomplete) Pixel-level sampling CMOS Vertex Detectors for ILC

(incomplete) CMOS Pixel Vertex Detectors

KEK, Tohoku University, Tohoku-Gakuin University
(incomplete)CCD Vertex Detector

LBNL, University of California at Berkeley
(incomplete) Si Pixel R&D for the ILC

University of Oregon, Yale University
Pixel Vertex detector R&D for Future High Energy Linear e+e- Colliders

SLAC, University of Oregon, Fermilab, LCFI collaboration
(incomplete) Pixel Vertex Detector Simulation and Design Optimization

This topic: ILC/WWS > WebHome > VtxProjects
Topic revision: 05 Jan 2006, DanPeterson
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