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Results from CHESS/Maia web retrieved at 05:34 (Local)

GeoPIXE for the CHESS Maia detector GeoPIXE FAQ page Main CHESS Maia web home General GeoPIXE tips and tricks * Dark gray buttons are ON; Light gray buttons a...
GeoPIXE FAQ X2Go and XFCE troubleshooting Q: Why is X2Go not launching a new window when I connect to the CLASSE network? A: Make sure that "Focus on new window...
How to: GeoPIXE: Batch process XANES fluorescence maps You will first need the list of XANES energies and the XANES DA matrix ( xanes.damx) before you can perform...
Generating elemental maps from raw XRF data using the Sort EVT window You will need to first import and fit your raw data, and generate a DA matrix, before proces...
Intro: GeoPIXE: Loading an existing spectrum and navigating the spectrum display window This tutorial demonstrates how to load an existing spectrum (.spec) file i...
Intro: GeoPIXE: Importing spectra from raw blog files When you want to look at raw XRF data for the first time after you collect it, you will need to use the Spec...
Statistics for CHESS/Maia Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
Number of topics: 7
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