Backlinks to Maia in CHESS/Maia Web (Search all webs)

Results from CHESS/Maia web retrieved at 01:58 (Local)

GeoPIXE for the CHESS Maia detector GeoPIXE FAQ page Main CHESS Maia web home General GeoPIXE tips and tricks * Dark gray buttons are ON; Light gray buttons a...
GeoPIXE FAQ X2Go and XFCE troubleshooting Q: Why is X2Go not launching a new window when I connect to the CLASSE network? A: Make sure that "Focus on new window...
Editing your ".bashrc" file to add GeoPIXE to your path Using GeoPIXE requires an additional step beyond the default CLASSE user account setup. 1 Login to you...
Maia beamline checklist settings to note, tips, etc. Settings to write down: * Ion chamber scaling channel (usually FC0) * Preamp sensitivity and and unit...
Example checklist for Maia experiments at CHESS As we indicate in many of the tutorials, it's very important to keep track of what experiments you perform at the ...
Advanced tools for data collection using Maia Control software How to set up a throttle file LMS 11 Mar 2016
CHESS staff: How to set up Maia directories by hand for a new user Steps 1. Set up a daq folder for the new user(s) at daq/current/hutch/PI projectnumber request...
Saving files from the CLASSE network using Fetch (Mac) This video tutorial explains how to use Fetch (, FTP software which is fre...
How to make a scripted vido with Screencast O Matic 1. Create the script * Open software * Start a new scripted project by clicking “Scripted” in the upper...
Useful Spec commands during data collection Motor nomenclature * samx, samy, samz: sample stage motors. When we take data with the Maia detector, the sample i...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Statistics for CHESS/Maia Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
Louisa's Notes on XRDUA processes, thanks to Frederik Vanmeert 0. Opening the program XRDUA is an IDL program, and it is recommended to run it in the IDL virtual...
Using xraylib to calculate total absorption cross section (sigma) The xraylib tools can be accessed here: web/ To calculate sigma...
Number of topics: 17
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