
Editing your ".bashrc" file to add GeoPIXE to your path

Using GeoPIXE requires an additional step beyond the default CLASSE user account setup.
  1. Login to your account (either through a public workstation or through X2Go).
  2. If typing geopixe within a terminal window results in a "file not found" error or similar, then you need to edit your ".bashrc" file.
  3. Edit your ".bashrc" file by launching a text editor from a terminal prompt: To do so, type "gedit .bashrc" or "emacs .bashrc". If the file does not already have the following block of text, copy it from here and paste / append it to the text already in the file. Then hit save. The change will take effect as soon as you open another terminal.
# Customizations for INTERACTIVE sessions only
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
    ##################### MAIAUSER MOD #######################
    [ -x /nfs/chess/sw/maia/maiasetup.sh ] && . /nfs/chess/sw/maia/maiasetup.sh
    ############ PyMCA #######
    add_path /nfs/chess/opt/conda/bin
    ################# MATLAB ###############
    alias matlab='matlab -r 2015a'
    ############### ImageJ #################
    add_path /nfs/chess/opt/ImageJ

To test the change, open a new terminal and type "geopixe &" to launch the program.

-- ArthurWoll - 26 Sep 2016
Topic revision: r2 - 01 May 2017, ArthurWoll
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