Move the power cord for BSD191 to a UPS. This system is under the console shelf. This will free up a 30-amp receptacle.
Move the ERP101 shelf power controller to a 30-amp receptacle that is not part of the square raceway.
Move the SOLSDA and friends power controller to a 30-amp receptacle that is not part of the square raceway.
Move the CESR HAC non-UPS power controller to a 30-amp receptacle that is not part of the square raceway. This should be able to happen at any time, since all of the systems are dual-powered.
Move the CESR HAC UPS power controller to a new 20-amp receptacle. Remove the adapter box and cord from under the floor. This should be able to happen at any time, since all of the systems are dual-powered.
Move the CESR HAC rack next to the VMS shelf.
Move DC1 into W221
Replace old APC UPS underneath rack 10.
Linux Configuration
move /home/erlopr onto erp101
home disk upgrade
do we update directory structure from cesr, clan, cleo, lepp, and nota?
make home disks read-only (8pm Friday?)
perform final rsync from lnx156 to homes
update mount maps
update grid engine server and/or software?
disable all grid engine queues Wednesday
identify systems to move to UPS
deploy new small UPS's as needed
identify systems to shutdown cleanly
develop script to shutdown
Finalize timing and outages, and send in Newsletter.