
August 3 Power Outage


  1. Move the power cord for BSD191 to a UPS. This system is under the console shelf. This will free up a 30-amp receptacle.
  2. Move the ERP101 shelf power controller to a 30-amp receptacle that is not part of the square raceway.
  3. Move the SOLSDA and friends power controller to a 30-amp receptacle that is not part of the square raceway.
  4. Move the CESR HAC non-UPS power controller to a 30-amp receptacle that is not part of the square raceway. This should be able to happen at any time, since all of the systems are dual-powered.
  5. Move the CESR HAC UPS power controller to a new 20-amp receptacle. Remove the adapter box and cord from under the floor. This should be able to happen at any time, since all of the systems are dual-powered.
  6. Move the CESR HAC rack next to the VMS shelf.
  7. Move DC1 into W221
  8. Replace old APC UPS underneath rack 10.

Linux Configuration

  1. move /home/erlopr onto erp101
  2. home disk upgrade
    • do we update directory structure from cesr, clan, cleo, lepp, and nota?
    • make home disks read-only (8pm Friday?)
    • perform final rsync from lnx156 to homes
    • update mount maps
  3. update grid engine server and/or software?


  1. disable all grid engine queues Wednesday
  2. identify systems to move to UPS
    • deploy new small UPS's as needed
  3. identify systems to shutdown cleanly
    • develop script to shutdown
  4. Finalize timing and outages, and send in Newsletter.
  5. Run power, network, and KVM for DC1.


  • Selden, Charlie, Rich, Werner, Devin
  • Call when power up: Phil, Shijie
  • On call: Shijie, Dan
Topic revision: r7 - 01 Aug 2013, DevinBougie
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